The Shoutbox
"Son, a woman is like a beer. They smell good, they look good, you'd step over your own mother just to get one! But you can't stop at one. You wanna drink another woman!"
"Doctor, can you give your impression of Mr. Stryker to the Court?"

"I'm a psychiatrist, I don't do impressions."
I don't think any of the quoting's all that clever.
Right, so Beatles and Python bad, "Seinfeld" and "Simpsons" good. Got it.

Yep. You got it. Although part of it is that with those others, usually it's a back-and-forth deal.
I don't think we sound quite as impressive as Holden though... sucks to be an idiot
Ah, classic stuff, mightymose.

"This is a very sophistimicated doohickey."
Right, so Beatles and Python bad, "Seinfeld" and "Simpsons" good. Got it.

"Over Macho Grande?"

"No, I don't think I'll ever get over macho Grande. Those wounds run pretty deep."
Here's one for ya T... "Doh!"
"Ever seen a grown man naked?"
I don't get the constant quoting. Is it supposed to be abstractly clever?

Now the Seinfield/Simpsons quotes...THOSE I get.
Over what?

"Roger, Roger."

"Over, Oveur."