The Shoutbox
I will never... EVER watch The Bad News Bears remake. Ever.
This movie is f*cking funny in my opinion hahaha
I'm watching American Pie: The Naked Mile, it has no plot at all, just lots of naked American teens drinking weak beer from those ubiquitous red cups, dancing and groping each other. If I want to watch a porno I'd download one.
In bed watch White Chicks for the 1000th time.
The Jewel Of The Nile..................
I remember I managed to not have the last Harry Potter book spoiled for me even though I read it like almost a year after its release.
I'm really good at this!
Oh, and Rosebud is just some dumb sled.
Well, the Titanic sinks. How's that for a spoiler alert? Eh? Eh?
I wish their was a thread just full of spoilers! I honestly hate being surprised so have to wait forever and a day until i find out what happens so then after i can go watch it