The Shoutbox
Anyone else watching the SNL marathon? Gwyeneth signing "Rainforests are the devil, you've got to kill the devil" just cracks me up!
Enjoy the Oscars everyone!
I have got to go!
Biology. And by the time I'm done, it'll be radio silence time.

So farewell, and good luck!
Shiezer, I'll go and change both of ours.
I need to change mine, although I probably won't be looking at forty-three. I'll get closer to fifty.
And I need to change my Oscar time overrage guess. I forgot that both Sydney Poitier AND Robert Redford are receiving honorary awards tonight. I'm now going to guess 43-minutes long.

Anybody else going to guess on the time issue?
Tom Wilkinson said he had no shot, too. I'd have to agree.

I'm gonna have fun this year. I really don't know who to put my money on...which excites me.
I think it'd be good just to go around Hollywood and bribe people to vote for the absoloute outsider in every single catagory.

It'd be interesting to see how many studio heads would be admitted to hospital with heart failure.

On an interesting note, I saw an interview with Nicole Kidman last night and she said, straight out that she knows she simply will not win. So that's nice. Now I hope she does.
Well off I go to start Alien 3.
Then flip a coin three thosand times, always anxiously awaiting the heads or tails verdict. But don't go looking to the Academy Awards for surprises. Just doesn't happen there.
Well, seeing as how LOTR is nominated for 13 Oscars, and I've only picked it to win 6-7, I know I'm not just votin' on least not TOTALLY.

Should be fun.
I still like suprises Holden.