The Shoutbox
Is there overlap between being a smart ass and being a jerk?

Someone assured me the two were mutually exlusive
You punked me with your new avatar
I did think that was a little odd.
Originally Posted by John McClane
I certainly know I hated myself in HS because of it.
Glad you survived it! Sorry about suggesting the thread below - I didn't realize it was you (thought you were a new mofo). I'd become accustomed to associating you with the avatar you used for years - mistaken identity
Yeah, I experienced the same growing up in rural Virginia in the 90s and 00s. It really does mess with someone’s opinion of themselves growing up in that kind of environment.

I certainly know I hated myself in HS because of it.
It's amazing how much that's all changed. Growing up in the 70's - 80's I never knew anyone who was gay and admitted it. That's where all of that 'in the closet' rhetoric stemmed from - shame and stigma. In suburban/rural Texas in that time about the worst thing you could call someone was queer or homo.
The only thing I could do without in those 90s sitcoms is crossdressing for a laugh and worry humor about someone being gay.
Yeah, the extents to which they would go were hysterical.
Wilson - The best sitcom character never fully seen on camera. I'm not sure any other show has done that.
I actually just watched that whole series for like the 6th time last month.

Right now I am currently alternating between Step by Step and Boy Meets World.
Oh man, now that's something I can agree on!