The Shoutbox
Off to lunch I go...

Today we're having Arby's:

Triple Cheese and Bacon combo
Large order of onion pedals. YUM!!
I love that Surveyman ad. Its hilarious.
Welp...time for classes to start so I need to get to work. Later!
Would you like some coffee surveyman??? Isn't that the corniest line.
Mornin by the way...
Couldn't help noticing Silver said something about Mulholland Dr. It comes out in April on DVD.
Why thankyou kind sir.
Good Luck to you to. In your....endevours.

SHOUT 700!!!
He's on his way back...
well done and good luck
Uh, yeah!
In fact, tomorrow night I'm off to the state final, same speech, of course. Then it's nationals. In three speaking contests. That's pretty amazing. I made $50 off it. Very pleased, very happy.

This year I'm hoping I can make enough for a digital video camera, Sony, of course!

did you win your speech on morality Silver Bullet?