The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by mattiasflgrtll6
"Defined them"? What does that mean, specifically?
Originally Posted by Yoda
Yeah, I dunno. I think the responses are all over the place because some people pick favorite films, some pick influential ones, et cetera.
I daresay it's one of those instances where you get to decide for yourself what films you consider definitive to yourself so people's definitions will ultimately vary. Favourites, influential ones, ones that best represent one's personality, etc. - the list goes on.
I can't imagine a life without Labyrinthor Better Off Dead as both were influential and representative of my personality. For the other slots, I can't even imagine what others would fit. The first two are obvious though.
Yeah, I dunno. I think the responses are all over the place because some people pick favorite films, some pick influential ones, et cetera.
"Defined them"? What does that mean, specifically?
Honorable mention to Blade Runner
Yeah I haven’t done it yet but am definitely thinking
The Simpsons Movie
Toy Story
The Lion King

Okay then.
Did anyone else here notice the #FilmStruck4 thing going around on Twitter recently where people had to pick the four films that quote-unquote "defined" them?