The Shoutbox
I need to check the worldwide workplace productivity index for 15 April 2019.

Pretty sure all GoT fans are gonna lose 15 mins due to oral water cooler transmission.
Its better to Burn out! than to fade away! Hiyyyaaa!! Hiyyaa! hahahahahahahah muahahaha
Originally Posted by gandalf26
I have something to say.....
About my awesome tat? The floor is yours.
I have something to say.....
It certainly puts you in the minority.
Does wanting a crying infant in the theater make me a hypocrite?
Sit near the bloke playing the organ.
Mind, it's been a while since I've been so it might even be a woman playing it nowadays
Anyone have any tips for staying awake during a movie?

Standing up and pacing in the back row is probably not an acceptable social more.
What does BTS being the best thing on SNL (sans Weekend Update) this year, say?
Haters gon' hate

That tattoo gets me a lot a play. You know. Women that wanna walk on the wild side, but not go with a full-Manson.