The Shoutbox
Well, it went like this, there was a boy named sue who gave love a bad name, billiejean wasnt his lover, and she smelled like uh... something, then there was a big fight and they turned it into a club but I wasnt invited. The divorce had happened years before but they couldnt get over it. I became the godhead and fought galactic evil. They didnt want porn for holidays so I told the crown yay, as you wish. Now I live in an oasis and dont know if tomorrow will ever come.
Originally Posted by Sedai

Grueling day...

Like Groundhog Day, just a bit more porridge-y.
i got my tin foil, creased and ironed
No worries. The aliens are coming

Grueling day...
hey, shadow goat.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
I can see that.
Hey Syfy.
I can see that.

(word up and backwards .... almost)
word up.
one great thing about rural america is you are, mostly, insulated from try-hard influencers recording in public. i take the wins where i can