The Shoutbox
It did get me to listen to music, something I havent done for months, before it made me very sick. Not your typical hangover
Bad reaction to that liquor. Not drinking that anymore
Originally Posted by ynwtf
*sheepishly waves at shadowgoat*

*sheepishly waves at shadowgoat*

Originally Posted by Wyldesyde19
Also, he’s funny. And never underestimate the ability to make a woman simply laugh.
what about making a woman complexly laugh? I get a few trigonometric chuckles myself, from time to time.
Ferguson's TV debut is in Red Dwarf as Lister's confidence. Even in his few minutes of screen time, he steals the show.
Also, he’s funny. And never underestimate the ability to make a woman simply laugh.
and after that it's anyone's guess what will happen
He's definitely charming, and clever. And, duh, he's the star of the show. And the format is such that people are supposed to be affable and complimentary and all that, anyway, so even if they don't/didn't feel that way, they'd probably act like it.
Originally Posted by Corax
Why did so many female guests flirt with Craig Ferguson as if he was Adonis? Kind of cringe.
It's the Scottish accent. Trust me. I know these things.