The Shoutbox
I laughed. I think Yods needs to smack your beehind, MsAus. Photo required.
Kids this days...that's so snob I also say it a lot
Sure it is. You'd be surprised what's PG-13 these days.
YODAAAAAA. Your mum said slut. I'm pretty sure that isnt PG13!
Originally Posted by tatmmw2
LOL, I went from wanting to congratolate you to read the post several times . Still 10101 is a pretty neat number (I think that's an english compliment right?)

You need to beat John in shouts
That's definitely my ultimate goal, but McClane's a Shoutbox slut, so that might be tough. And any minute now Dani is going to show up on that leaderboard.

As for my math, I'm sitting here on my 11" laptop without my reading glasses on. I honestly thought my shout count was 10,999 but it was only 10,099. So now I'm sad again that I have a lot more Shoutbox work to do.
LOL, I went from wanting to congratolate you to read the post several times . Still 10101 is a pretty neat number (I think that's an english compliment right?)

You need to beat John in shouts
Ha, apparently I need more coffee. I meant 10.1K shouts... and now this is 10,101.
The only purpose of this shout is so I can hit an even 11K.

We now return you to your regularly inhabited Shoutbox, already in progress...
Yods, something hilarious happended to me just now, my link with a picture didn't work because it has the word sh*t on it, so it got **** and it makes it invalid
Originally Posted by Dani8
Lool.He's being salacious.
And here I thought I was actually right about something. So close...
Originally Posted by Yoda
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy
Oh my God! Meaty is 26 years old. It was just yesterday he was a baby.
I dunno if you saw, but I met him in Seattle. We were at the same convention and I literally just recognized him out front.
Wow, I didn't know that! That's really... unlikely. LOL