The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Sedai
Happy 28-3 day!
Remember it like it was yesterday.
and if you’re diabetic you better be checking your feet everyday. if you can’t see your feet ask a friend. if you don’t have a friend to ask…find a stranger online. they’ll help and pay!
Yeah, foot stuff has a ripple effect. If you start compensating for some injury down there it can cause new problems in the legs or back.
Can confirm foot surgeries can pose quite a bit of risk of other complications. My wife is dealing with that right now! SO much so, we are looking to replace our car with a manual transmission with an automatic to help alleviate some of the aggravating factors.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Originally Posted by John McClane
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
American football is almost as bad as wrestling when it comes to lame sports. Not that any sports are particularly not lame. Maybe chess.
but only if there’s butt plugs involved, yeah?
Find God.
Well, that wasn't a no.

Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Yeah, research shows they're very effective in general and quite effective in treating the thing you have, so I'd definitely try them before even considering surgery.

Thanks, Dr Minio
Yeah, research shows they're very effective in general and quite effective in treating the thing you have, so I'd definitely try them before even considering surgery.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Originally Posted by John McClane
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
American football is almost as bad as wrestling when it comes to lame sports. Not that any sports are particularly not lame. Maybe chess.
but only if there’s butt plugs involved, yeah?
Find God.

Originally Posted by Cryptic
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Originally Posted by Cryptic
I have to have specially designed ones but even with them i have flair ups.
Sorry to hear. I imagine you already tried all types of treatment.

Ive tried steroid injections but they stopped working after the 2nd or 3rd time. There are surgical routes but no guarantees it wont make it worse. And knowing my luck.
Ah, I see. Surgeries of feet usually come with such risks. And feet pain is usually much worse and harder to treat when it comes from the nerve. Muscles can be stretched , and so on. You might want to look at shock wave therapy & high power laser therapy if you haven't already.

Ive heard of those two and also one called cryo therapy but tbh i dont know much about them. Ill look into them. Thanks .
Originally Posted by John McClane
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
American football is almost as bad as wrestling when it comes to lame sports. Not that any sports are particularly not lame. Maybe chess.
but only if there’s butt plugs involved, yeah?
Find God.

Originally Posted by Cryptic
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Originally Posted by Cryptic
I have to have specially designed ones but even with them i have flair ups.
Sorry to hear. I imagine you already tried all types of treatment.

Ive tried steroid injections but they stopped working after the 2nd or 3rd time. There are surgical routes but no guarantees it wont make it worse. And knowing my luck.
Ah, I see. Surgeries of feet usually come with such risks. And feet pain is usually much worse and harder to treat when it comes from the nerve. Muscles can be stretched , and so on. You might want to look at shock wave therapy & high power laser therapy if you haven't already.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Originally Posted by Cryptic
I have to have specially designed ones but even with them i have flair ups.
Sorry to hear. I imagine you already tried all types of treatment.

Ive tried steroid injections but they stopped working after the 2nd or 3rd time. There are surgical routes but no guarantees it wont make it worse. And knowing my luck.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
American football is almost as bad as wrestling when it comes to lame sports. Not that any sports are particularly not lame. Maybe chess.
but only if there’s butt plugs involved, yeah?