The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Like a small child playing with a box the toy came in, the cats are fascinated by a blue-bristled broom.

DD, any pictures of the cat? what did you name him?
Like a small child playing with a box the toy came in, the cats are fascinated by a blue-bristled broom.
I mean, anything with Bill Burr is good stuff. Word is, it's his best work since "the Racial Draft of 2004".
The more they talk about the Front Runner, the more excited I get.
Looks like Ima need a chain-link with razor wire around the litter box.

We got a turd-snurglar on the loose.
Can't tell you how happy it makes to see that Panther's logo at midfield.

Sometimes you gotta crawl through a mile of snit to get to paradise.
Cuz it's pouring and that was a great voice.

Originally Posted by d_chatterley
Is Aronofsky's Mother as bad as everyone is making it out to be? Now that it is on Hulu I'm willing to give it a try, but everyone I talked to hated it. Part of me wants to watch it just to see what all the hate is about. Another reason, of course, is Michelle Pfeiffer.
As long as the closing credits roll with Danzig playing, I'm sure it's good.

Originally Posted by d_chatterley
Is Aronofsky's Mother as bad as everyone is making it out to be? Now that it is on Hulu I'm willing to give it a try, but everyone I talked to hated it. Part of me wants to watch it just to see what all the hate is about. Another reason, of course, is Michelle Pfeiffer.

Absolutely loved it. Gets very trippy so leave expectations and any preconceived notions at the door and just go with it. Don't question it. Just let it take you along for the ride.
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe
aw it's ok...