The Shoutbox
According to Burt Gummer, "Must be foil wrapped! Plastic is not an oxygen barrier!"
Glass or plastic? GLASS OR PLASTIC?!

so a can of coke or a bottle (plastic) of coke?
I wish I could do that. I damage myself physically just to get shit DONE. I don't know the meaning of "do only what you're paid to do, give no other shits".
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Poor leadership makes things bad. Often times hard-workers are promoted when they don't have the people skills to succeed in those positions.
I find the people who get promoted are the ones who are best friends with the managers. Is that their goal or do they genuinely like hanging out with them? They act like they do, anyway.

What I've learned: never throw your back out (figuratively or literally) working for a company because you think they might recognize your efforts. Don't spend more time on work than what you're paid for. Do a good job but don't overexert yourself or worry about getting people to like you. If it happens it happens, but the ones who try hardest to get promotions usually don't receive anything. It's the people who AREN'T really trying who get them, simply because the managers noticed them/bonded with them. So it literally all depends on personality combinations.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Originally Posted by Sedai
Originally Posted by Velvet
its good to see that we can all agree step brothers is the best

Will Ferrell is TERRIBLE. I can't stand anything he is in.
The mods here are turruble
True, but this is still one of Sedai's more agreeable opinions.
Poor leadership makes things bad. Often times hard-workers are promoted when they don't have the people skills to succeed in those positions.
I find myself enjoying the routine, more than the work itself. I don't know if that comes from going to school for all those years and having daily milestones or just one of my tendencies.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
Find something you love to do so you can do it everyday.
What about the bills that you can't pay doing what you love?
Every day - for a very short number of days.
A bright spot is often the people you work with, or they are a black hole of despair

I think a bad job can be tolerable if you have people that are easy to be around.
Plus, a lot of jobs just suck. Like a LOT.