The Shoutbox
keep cluckin' around and tempting fate. I remember w'hen last this started up, he seemed none too interested. I'd bet my last bill he won't be pheasant about it this time around.
...peckin' which one of us to temp ban...
I think he might say "yoda or yadon't."

That reminds me of a joke a coworker shared with me earlier. *eh-HEM*

If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.
Waddle Yoda do when he sees another pun off brewing?

(swans off)
projectile dysfunction. it's ok. we're all getting older.

I've never understood projectile vomiting. I've yakked enough times in my life and not once has there been a single arrow, bullet, dart, missile or the like in there
Just waiting on the vomit and litter 5 feet from the box...
This sounds like normal behavior.
When I released the lions this morning, they were very nonchalant.

They declined comment on the previous evening's events and proceeded to lick each other's rear ends.
She is asleep right now...