The Shoutbox
Here's an idea Chris... could you have some sort of drop down menu or something that allowed users to control the time of the automatic reload on the shoutbox? I haven't had this problem lately, but in the past I've lost shouts b/c I took too long to type 'em in
Bah. You know what I mean.
I'm hopeful, actually
Ya'll are hopeless.
Yes...teets are sweet,
Or an udderly different tail
Or "a whole other story".

I need another nappy-poo. Happy day off, y'all!
It is dandy, but I had to work sweet in somehow. "wheat is sweet" or "beats is sweet" didn't seem right, though they rhyme.

Teets is sweet, but that's a whole another story.
I thought it was "dandy"? Bah, no matter. On with the geeking...
Candy is sweet, but liquor is quicker.
Eh, ok. I'm still trying to fix the annoying display problems. I'm just starting to spruce it up a little. It'll be an ongoing thing today, I think.