The Shoutbox
Wow! Everything I had read had said that Ameile was a shoo in... not even a contest! There's an upset for ya!
My ancestor's are from Norway, so I'm rooting for that one based on principles, though Amelie will win and is what I voted for
I would have rather seen Memento win (and not just because I picked it), but I'm glad Gosford Park got a win.

9 of 19
I missed another. Memento didn't win? I'm confused. The Royal Tenenbaums didn't take it either? Alright, this is jacked up. 10 for 19...I've missed 4 in a row now.
Well, I got that one right on my website, but not our Yahoo thing
Nope... but there's monkey's flying out of Wayne's butt Chris
10 of 18...and severely pissed. That's the one I was 100% sure LOTR deserved above all others.
Ahhh... I haven't seen the movie, nor have I read the book... but from my understanding it really doesn't follow the book... I wouldn't complain if it won something else, but that seems like a political move b/c of the recent press coverage.
Did I just see that? Do I need my glasses? Did LOTR just LOSE Best Adapted Screenplay? Look out the window; are pigs anywhere to be seen in the heavens?
If there was any doubt Beautiful Mind was going to win Picture (and there wasn't), THERE you go.

9 of 18, back to 50%.