The Shoutbox
Hi Slay! I hope you're feeling better! Have you noticed it's harder to do certain things with one of your thumbs out of commission?
"I suppose they`ll get some crazy sonofabitch to carry it up!"
Oops… so much for work today… think I might have been here longer than I thought… .. and I’m not sure how I received that exalted position … Do you think this “Sir” thing is going to his head…
Hi Caitlyn! I don't long have you been here?
Oooo...long enough to become head of Sir Toose's harem I see.

I've already gone out to the grocery store and about to throw a roast in the oven.

Hi Annie… that was quick… or have I been here longer than I think…
Leaving the building for now...with 700 shouts!

You've caught on fast young lady. I shall promote you to the top of my harem.
Hello Sir Toose… is that a royal command…

Hi Caitlyn. Post a picture on the MoFo pic thread.

Hi Caitlyn! It's good to see you! I was just getting ready to log out. I need to get something done today.

See ya later...have a great day!
Hi Annie, Yoda, and picnmo (you’re new aren’t you?) and all the 20 something “guests” ….