The Shoutbox
hey sedai, you say the boss your stuck on is Salazzar, right? He'll be in his big ass monster form thing, basically, shoot the eye on the head in the centre that tries to eat you n' stuff, dodge the tentacles at the sides, and once you shoot the eyes, the pod in which Salazzar is in, will open up and leave him open for attack, shoot him, and basically repeat that. He'll fall soon enough, just make sure you have enough ammo.....
Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?

She has the flu.
Aha, so with that fever and everything, she literally IS hot.
The little pale faced chap in the Napolean suit....I have heard his name about a thousand times, but can't remember it right now...

Salazzar! Yeah...and this after I had to fight ElGigante x2 in a tiny room with lava in it, and Vurdugo, Salazaar's right hand man. Verdugo was T O U G H, and I recommend getting the magnum ready for his ass (You find the gun in the castle after you get ashley back..again (she gets taken away multiple times). You will have passed a treasure room that says "Hmm, with two people I can probably get in...". It takes a bit of backtracking to get back to the room, and I almost blew it off, but if I had, I would still be stuck on Vurdugo. Alas, I am just stuck on the next bad ass monster after him...
My friend with GC version says much the same. What/who's the boss? Bet it's like Ashley or something right?
I have PS2, and from what I understand, the GC version has slightly cleaner graphics, but the PS2 version has a lot more content, including a new 5 mission sub-quest as a different character. Regardless, the game is incredible, and tons of fun. I am at the end of the castle, totally STUCK, getting my ass beat by a boss that I can't figure out as of yet...
It's Resident Evil 4, i'm playing on PS2, not sure bout Sedai. I know it's been on GC for a while.

The Brush sound pretty epic, plus it's in EsSEX, so y'know sure i can find something to entertain myself with
Pyro, you must visit The Brush. Its powers are awsome.

Now what game is it that you two are talking about? PC or Playstation? It sounds awsome. I love a good RPG. Especially when spooky monks are involved.
My grenade missed them and the red cloak went up on the stupidly big machine gun, which was cool only cuz i dodged all his bullets. I'm playing as Ashley now, which is ****ing nerve wracking. The falling axe got me!
Ahhh, the ol Buffy syndrome. As long as the show doesn;t end up on UPN....
FOX is letting Hurwitz shop "Arrested Devlopment" around, and SHOWTIME has expressed interest.

There's still a small chance the show will survive.
They are damn good, at that....