The Shoutbox
Men wear scarves. The model in the Burberry ads wears scarves, and he's not even faintly poofy. I say wear the scarf and blow kisses to your friend to keep his poor neck warm.
scarf so seems like the wrong word for it....but yeah, i wear 'em.....depends on what it looks like really...i wear a black knitted one so it's pretty yours pink by any chance?
Hahaha, Sedai.

I personally don't wear scarves, but that is just because I look silly in them. I know plenty of men who wear 'em, so I wouldn't worry about it.
So, by girlfriend was out the other day when she spotted a piece of clothing just laying around in parking lot. It was icy/storrmy out, and the thing was a mess, but her being the shopping type person just walked over to see what it was. She picks it up, and it's a Burberry Novachek scarf, with a plaid print. The scarf was trashed, but she grabbed it and brought it home.

Neither of us had ever heard of Burberry. She gives it to me and asks if I would like to try and get it dry cleaned, so i bring it down and get it cleaned for 3 bucks. I pick it up, the thing is as good as new. For the hell of it, I go online to see what they cost.


WTF! Now here is the kicker. I have been wearing it around, and today some dude says to me, "Hey man, men don;t wear scarves, scarves are a woman's item."

Huh? Is this true? I have lived in the northeast for about 17 years, and without a scarf...I would just freeze. What is this all about? Only for women? Sure enough, I go online, and pretty much every store only has scarves in the women's department. I don't get it. What sort of cock-eyed crap is this? men are just supposed to have cold necks?

How have I gotten to be 34 years old thinking scarves were a multi-gender apparel item? What are men supposed to wear?

Man, I liked this scarf, too...

And lastly, why did my mother dress me in woman's clothing?


Originally Posted by MinionTv
Blib, I bet that you look good on the dancefloor!
Don't know what your lookin for...
He could take you out!

Eff' bills.
Slack socks

Eff' bills.
Blib, I bet that you look good on the dancefloor!
Should i watch the new episode of Lost before i go to bed or another episode of the excellant Taken? I am simply in the most terrible of muddles...
Originally Posted by OG-
Blib, t-minus 4.5 hours from this shout.
You make my days worth living
Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
I have DSL! ::happy dance::
You have Damn Short Legs?! What is there to be happy about that?! Lol.