The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by John W Constantine
I'm going to work, you kids behave yourselves now
Ay ay boss
I'm going to work, you kids behave yourselves now
Originally Posted by Death Proof
They're coming to get you, Barbra!
Stop it!
They're coming to get you, Barbra!
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Is Barbra really a tankie in this? Hell, I want to watch it now.
Originally Posted by John McClane
ok, i’ve met my daily quota of weird shouts. 200 days to go.
Did you meet your daily communist quota of vodka?
Ghost forums are amazing. They feel more special than they really are, like discovering a hidden gem.
ok, i’ve met my daily quota of weird shouts. 200 days to go.
i often wonder about ghost forums. ya know, like ghost towns. when i find one i peruse it like a time capsule
Originally Posted by John McClane
i like commies. they can hold their liquor
This is what happens when somebody watches Bondarchuk religiously.