The Shoutbox
holy crap sedai ! Good thing your knife got replaced with a candy cane.
Are you trying to say that they are going to stop making DVD players, eventually?
They haven't even stopped making record players yet. We can still buy VCRs, as well. As slow as they seem to be at getting rid of these 2 items, I don't think I'm going to stress myself out any over DVD players.
Psychotic BUMP
So, worst day...EVER!

Today is my company potluck/holiday gathering. So, as I do each year, I spent HOURS making my world famous chili, a recipe I have been working on for about 15 years. Anyway, it takes a ton of work, lots of expensive ingredients, and a lot of time to prepare and cook.

So, at 8 this morning, my cell phone rings, and a girl from work is saying "Um, Mike, the party started at 7:30 am, and no one posted the time, three of us are here and people are up in arms, hurry and get in here..."

So, that puts me on tilt a lil bit, seeing as how I personally have pured years of blood, sweat and tears into this company, which I may become a part owner of later this year. And I don;t gget invited to the holiday gathering... Cute.

Moving along, I quickly finish getting ready, put the entire crock pot in a plastic bag in case a lil spills out in my car, and I hit the road.

I think to myself "Well, this should be secure, as long as some ******* doesn't slam into me or run me off the road on the way into work"


So I am almost to work, slowing down to come to a light that is red, and SOME ******* SLIDES SIDEWAYS OUT OF A SIDE ROAD AND RUNS ME OFF THE ROAD.

I slam up on the sidewalk, the crockpot slams up from the floor and shatters, spewing the entire 5 quarts all over the floor of my car, which is light gray.

I go RIGHT off the deep end. A red tint goes over my vision, and I come out of my car like a ****ing psychopath. A small hispanic man is in the car that is now sideways across the road, I come at his drivers door, as a look of panic steals across his face, I am raving like a madman, and he starts yelling at me in spanish, even though it is clearly his fault. Without breaking stride, I throw a spinning side kick at his driver side door, caving the entire side of his car in. He slams on his gas and spins down the road. That was the last time I saw him.

Meanwhile, I get back to my car, and the steam from the chili all over the floor is icing the insides of my window up, so I get in, and drive like ace ventura, head out the window, wild-eyed and frothing at the mouth, all the way to work, where I spend the next 2.5 hours trying to extract 5 quarts of chili from my car. The entire staff of my company is meanwhile sitting around, drinking coffee and eating all the food that people had brought in.

So, I get dicked out my holiday party, my car is ruined, my favorite cooking device is destroyed, and I am starving, because everyone ate all the food and had a grand old time while I was in snowy chili hell.

I absolutely abhor the holidays. I hope the planet gets destroyed today.

Merry F'n Christmas!
Now I remember why I didn't get a Wii until now.
I'm a drunkable love.
I'm a lovable drunk
Originally Posted by Sir Toose
I'll try to stay out of your town *hic*

I think I could handle you... 'Tis only the nasty drunks who want to fight that irritate me... and they seem to all come out for New Years...
I'll try to stay out of your town *hic*
Oh, and good morning Mofos and Mofoetts...
Looks like I might be off until New Years Eve...
Yay! I get the drunks...