The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Allaby
The nerve of the elevator being out of service on my birthday!
It waited all its life just for this moment.
Check mate.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Fat guy in a little coat energy.

Perhaps it too was installed today, some years back and took the day off?
The nerve of the elevator being out of service on my birthday!
Fat guy in a little coat energy.
Da' Bayers.
This is why I'm going to use up the Roundup we have here now and then start using the homemade stuff. I have a bunch of friends who say it really does work, even on poison ivy. Seems almost too good to be true (and way cheaper than Roundup!), but I'll give it a shot, for sure!
Crazy to think that Bayer owns it now. It’s not true double dipping til a company makes a chemical that makes you sick and another that makes you well.
Got that Monsanto money
How in the world is Roundup still legal? Oh wait, I already know that answer.

My old man loves the stuff and wonders why I don’t eat the blueberries anymore.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Just sprayed Roundup. Feeling sickly. That stuff is way stronger than I remember.
Ugh, I gotta do that tomorrow. All the seams in the concrete of our driveway have lots of weeds growing up out of them. Plus, there's a big spot with poison ivy that I wanna zap.

I'll make a concerted effort not to breathe the stuff in. Next year I'm gonna try that homemade weed killer you can make with vinegar, salt, and dish liquid.