The Shoutbox
One political thread?

That's one political thread too many.

It tears forums to pieces.
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
Originally Posted by John McClane
this place is all the better for it.
Amen to that. Politics suck. Movies are where it's at. Just ask Allaby!
Agreed. I've been on other movie message boards where they allow political discussion and it gets pretty ugly and unpleasant at times.
Originally Posted by John McClane
this place is all the better for it.
Amen to that. Politics suck. Movies are where it's at. Just ask Allaby!
this place is all the better for it.
Originally Posted by John McClane
nothing is stopping you from posting about politics. but, and this is a big but , you won’t be here to see the replies! muhahahahahah
John Bigboote.
I say this entirely unironically, but Reddit works fine for getting political thoughts off one’s chest.
Originally Posted by Galactic Traveler
I wonder if the mods would allow ONE thread devoted to politics. Any and all political topics would go into that one thread. Just an idea, although I completely understand if they won't allow it. Political talk tends to get heated and tear members apart.
We have tried this on multiple occasions in the past, always with the same undesirable results.

And yes, as mentioned by someone else, the moderation absorbs an inordinate amount of time, which neither of us possess the bandwidth (or these days, the patience) for.
nothing is stopping you from posting about politics. but, and this is a big but , you won’t be here to see the replies! muhahahahahah
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
The Senate shouldn't have elected Palpatine! Yoda won't stop me on that one! I will talk politics!
Minio right now: