The Shoutbox
Could you see any farther down Uma's dress. Good Lord.
Two Ns, one E, two Ls. You gots it.

She looks great, as usual, though not as draw-dropping a dress as she could have gone with.

I'll take Leeza to block...
LOL... I hadn't heard that quote Holden... damn funny!
Great, on with the show!!!

Oh wait, it's Whoopi Center-fu*kin'-Square Goldberg. Somebody get Leeze Gibbons back in here, quick!
You think Cameron Diaz looks good!? Come on...I don't think I'm alone on this but Jennifer Connelly is lookin MI-T fine. An apology to Holden if I misspelled her name. I know how you're quite attached to her..
Closer to thirty years. It was at the 1974 ceremonies where Robert Opal streaked across the stage, while David Niven was at the microphone. Leading to a classic ad-lib: "the only laugh that man will probably ever get in his life is for stripping off and showing his shortcomings."
Oh my goodnes... I just saw Leeza run in heels... Why oh why!!
Yeah, but she looks good
hey, are the OSCARS on tonight?!?