MoFo Top 100 Horror Movies: The List

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That said...absolutely argue (respectfully!) about it! That's the good stuff.

People who have a problem with the latter can suck my ass greet my posterior and try to fight me pull up their dukes.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

Yeah, The Ring was my #1, and the logic is really simple: no film has ever scared me more. I decided to prioritize that over any concerns about craft, influence, originality, whatever.

The Ring actually made me, in the theater, instinctively pull my legs up on to my chair. It made it hard to sleep the next few nights, it made me scared of TVs I could hear from other rooms, and it made me particularly scared for a brief period a week after I'd seen it. It made me scared enough that I'd get scared just scrolling through threads or by GIFs or images from it.

I'm at the point where I can see that image in the post above and not be freaked out (thanks to Scary Movie 3 for taking the air out of the scare a little), but for a year or two after seeing it I actively avoided any images from the film because they'd make me cringe and look over my shoulder and just be generally unsettled for awhile after seeing them.

The whole film is unsettling. The film within a film is unsettling. The hair, the walking toward the camera. But really, none of it holds a candle to the moment she crawls out of that screen. That is one of the first things I think of, when I think of the word horror.

The Ring is the scariest movie I've ever seen.
How is The Ring more scarier than Ringu?
You talkin' to me?

Welcome to the human race...
Besides that, there's the possibility that he has seen Ringu but only after seeing The Ring first and having it "spoiled" for him as a result.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Besides that, there's the possibility that he has seen Ringu but only after seeing The Ring first and having it "spoiled" for him as a result.
This is kind of what happened with me and REC. I saw Quarantine first and like that more (last time I checked at least)

How is The Ring more scarier than Ringu?
I didn't say it was. I haven't seen Ringu, so I don't have an opinion on which is scarier, but I imagine that whichever you see first is bound to feel the scarier of the two.

That is the only explanation.
Nah, there's plenty of others. Even having seen only parts of Ringu since, it's obviously less technically proficient. Maybe that matters, and maybe it doesn't. Maybe the language barrier is an impediment to horror the same way it often is to comedy. Plenty of variables involved.

That is the only explanation. People who haven't seen Ringu will think The Ring is so terrifying and original...

Not me. I watched The Ring knowing it was an adaptation, but that didn't stop me from loving it. I watched it thinking "If the remake is this good, the original must be incredible."

Welcome to the human race...
Broken down by decade...

2010s - 18
2000s - 16
1990s - 10
1980s - 20
1970s - 16
1960s - 11
1950s - 2
1940s - 1
1930s - 5
1920s - 2

So I am a little behind on posting my final list, sorry been a little busy getting ready for vacation.

Thanks NOSTRO for hosting, it was a really fun and thoughtful countdown. Also loved all the interaction and comments, I have to catch up on a bit of reading, but good to see excitement in the countdown and horror movies in general.

My list:

1. Phantasm
2. Alien [3]
3. The Exorcist [5]
4. Ghosts of Mars
5. They Live [95]
6. Monkey Shines
7. The Beast within
8. Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (1973)
9. Don't Look Now [64]
10. The Shining [1]
11. The Island of Dr. Moreau (1977)
12. The Thing [2]
13. The Watcher in the Woods (1980)
14. The Fly [10]
15. Evil Dead
16. Silver Bullet
17. Near Dark [109]
18. The Mangler
19. The Phantom Carriage (1921)
20. American Gothic (1987)
21. Race with the Devil (1975)
22. Pumpkinhead
23. The Visitor (1979)
24. Cujo
25. Pitch Black [1 pointer]

“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Still pretty damning how it only barely beat out the 2010s in terms of quantity, though.
I'm not very into the new movies that come out these days, similar to @honeykid , yet the decade that came in second doesn't matter as much as the one that came in FIRST. In that sense, that means the list had the most creative and fun decade 1st, The 1980s, and the most recent decade second, which means LIFE. A contrast against the next decade list, which I'm not against since it has plenty of movies I like, that are now about 100 years old.

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The Devil's Rejects (2005)
Runtime: 1 Hour 47 Min
Production Company: Cinelamda
Distributed by Lions Gate Films
Director: Rob Zombie
Production Budget: $7,000,000
Box Office: $19,400,000
Three Votes
(24, 24, 19)
High Voter: @Captain Spaulding; @cricket

"Without a doubt, Captain Spaulding has surpassed me in the pantheon of scary clowns. His performance will never be topped."
-- Pennywise

"It saddens me to know that I never made a film half as great as Rob Zombie's The Devil's Rejects."
-- Alfred Hitchcock

"Satan may have rejected them, but I accept these degenerates with open arms. Papa and I watch this horror classic every Sunday. Tutti-f**kin'-Frutti!"
-- Jesus Christ


3 FROM HELL Official Trailer (2019) Rob Zombie

All those years in hell have not been kind to my complexion.

A system of cells interlinked
Caught a good throwback horror called We Are Still Here over the weekend. Starts a bit slow, but once it gets going, it's a fine old school haunted house flick set in the 1970s. Definitely worth a watch. Fair warning: This one has quite a bit of gore.

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

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Caught a good throwback horror called We Are Still Here over the weekend. Starts a bit slow, but once it gets going, it's a fine old school haunted house flick set in the 1970s. Definitely worth a watch. Fair warning: This one has quite a bit of gore.

Had this on my watchlist for some time. Time to bump it up the queue then. Cheers Sedai.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Actually stealthily long for when movies, particularly horror although other genres as well, are this kind of an entertaining event again as @Sedai demonstrates. Can't believe I didn't respond at the time to this excellent post.

Thank you so much @Nostromo87 for a super well-run and fun tournament. I wanted to hang out and post more and more at-length, but with the wee lass at home producing, directing, and starring in several diaper horror shows per day, I am spread pretty thin.

I have a similar story in regards to The Thing as a few other MoFos. That film, along with Alien, was on a short list of films I wasn't allowed to see. I remember a certain aura of mystique that surrounded these titles, and my group of friends and I tried every angle we could to get our mitts on a copy of one or both VCR tapes when they came out. I didn't even have a VCR at the time, which made it even harder to pull off a clandestine viewing.

Finally, it happened. A friend of mine's parents rented The Thing and left the tape in the VCR. The news spread quickly at school, and as soon as that bell rang, a decent crowd of us beat feet to the kid's house as fast as we could. We did manage to stop at 7-11 on the way to purchase the obligatory snacks and sodas needed to complete the experience.

We all cheered when the logo burned its way across the screen. It was about the time that the dog cracked open that we started to realize what we had gotten our selves into. The room was dead silent as we all stared wide-eyed at the events unfolding on screen. Personally, I was completely ****ing terrified. We had managed to coax two girls along for the viewing, and both of them had their hands over faces with their eyes screwed shut. My friend Cameron was looking a little green around the gills, and some crafty bastard had sneaked over and crapped in my pants.

Some of us did manage to make it through the entire film, but man, I had trouble getting to sleep that night, and several nights after. Here's a picture of me trying to get to sleep that night.

At that point in time, no one had ever seen anything like The Thing, with its terrifying special effects.