Coming Attraction: Movie Forums T-Shirts


The People's Republic of Clogher
See, now I feel like I have to be trim and bearded to post a pic.
I lost two and a half stones for a reason, you know.

I'll post mine when the shirt lands, but with international shipping it'll probably be the new year.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Still not happy with the pic but I'm fat, so I never will be. Love the shirt though. Thanks for getting it done Chris.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Nice pajama pants.

Still waiting for my shirt to arrive. It was transferred to my local post office 3 days ago.
Hopefully I'll get it tomorrow.
I was on my way to Walmart.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Ordered. Ended up being a bit on the expensive side, being Canadian and all, but worth it.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Mines been dispatched apparently .... hoping that means it's en route and not that it suffered a sudden, horribly violent death

Ordered. Ended up being a bit on the expensive side, being Canadian and all, but worth it.
Yeah, sorry about that! Hopefully, if all this goes well, I can take steps to streamline all this. It's all on a per-shirt basis right now, but if I knew for certain that we'd sell X number of them, I'd place a bulk order, kick the quality up a little, keep the price down, and just mailed them myself, but there's no way to know, so I figured I'd just spring for the design costs and see how it went with Vistaprint.

If people end up really liking them I'll definitely look into a bulk order. I've got a test mug from another place on the way, too.

Yeah, I think they told most of you guys the 29th, but they were being overly cautious, because a couple of people got theirs already. Hopefully soon!

Mines been dispatched apparently .... hoping that means it's en route and not that it suffered a sudden, horribly violent death

Totally missed these were out! I'll look to order one very soon��
Don't hesitate to ask for customization. I'm making a point to fulfill those requests as soon as I get them, so you won't wait long.

Shirt arrived, but I got it as I was heading out the door to go to work so I haven't tried it on yet. Will try to get a pic tonight.

I'm so happy for the forum!! I was listening to the podcast earlier and I thought how awesome to hear Yoda's voice in there . Then I keep reading comments and I see this little joke about the shirts, then there is already a thread of trying to make this come true!! Now people already order it and are sharing pictures with their shirts, completly amazing!

It was fun to read from the idea of a shirt in the forum anniversary thread to the final posts of people wearing the shirts in just a day And way to go Yoda! I will try to order one next year when I'm going to Florida to work, almost any delivery don't get to Argentina

Thanks for posting! We're amassing a nice little collection, and I knew we're not too far from a handful more. When we get a few more I'll toss them all on a page together or something.

Selfie taken using a timer. Forgive the messy hair and crappy lighting. I'll try to get a better photo later.

I like it, it gives you that just gotten out of bed look. The shirt is a huge asset as well; it accentuates your chest in a very presidential kind of way.

A system of cells interlinked
Got my shirt! Pic to follow shortly.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell