The MoFo Top 100 of the 60s: Countdown

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lol @ Jungle Book, I didn't even think about having animation on my list, well, had I thought, I wouldn't have any anyway.
In the six years I've been here, I don't think I've yet turned in a ballot for a MoFo Movie Countdown that didn't include at least one animated film.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I've seen both movies, and I like both movies, but neither made my list. I'm glad to see both movies made the countdown without my help.

I considered The Jungle Book, but I guess I just didn't have room for it.

I never really considered From Russia With Love for my list. It's one of the better Bond movies, but I don't really consider any of the Bond movies to be top 25 movies.

How can Camo and Sedai both have FROM russia with love at 25, if only one person had it there?
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

It comes across as the least campy when compared to most of the others, especially later Moore pictures.
You're right, it's not nearly as good as those Moore ones.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

This is the first set I have seen both on.

The Jungle Book is a childhood film, that I kind of liked. I remember watching it a few times. Didn't really think of it when thinking of my 60s list, not that it would have mattered. I haven't seen much Bond, but from what I have From Russia with Love is the weakest. A cool intro and some great shots but I could never understand the motives of the characters or the film. I think I gave it a
-, but that is generous

Kinda surprised my favorite of the Bond Films is this low. I had it at 11. Didn't expect one of my choices to come up this early because it took a long time to do so for the animated list. (62 Yellow Submarine)

4. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (101)
11. From Russia With Love (87)

How can Camo and Sedai both have FROM russia with love at 25, if only one person had it there?
I was wondering that too. Just checked my sent messages to make sure and I definitely had it at 25.

And there it was! My first pick to arise on this list!

From Russia With Love was my #23, and while I love Wolfgang Reiterman, Jungle Book has never been my favorite of his, so it didn't make my list.

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The Jungle Book was a film I watched as a child and knew all the songs to, but I was surprised when I watched it recently just how short it is. It's not necessarily a bad thing, some kids movies these days go on far beyond a child's attention span. It wasn't on my list.

I don't think I've seen From Russia With Love, but the various Bond films I've watched on Bank Holidays over the years have sort of merged into one, so I might have done.

I watched Barefoot in the Park this evening. It's mostly likable, although a little bit annoying. It comes across as quite obvious, but I wonder if that's only because it's been copied and built on by subsequent romantic comedy type films.

A system of cells interlinked
How can Camo and Sedai both have FROM russia with love at 25, if only one person had it there?
Oh I am sure this is my fault.... let me go check my list.

(Checks List)

Ah yes, I had it at number #24. It was at 25 for a day or two, but I ended up ticking it up one slot by the deadline.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
These seem like nostalgic choices. I remember going to see The Jungle Book on its first run at the theatre with my best friend when I was 12. I've seen it several times since then, especially when my daughter was young. I always loved Phil Harris (who I knew from "The Andy Williams Show" and "The Dean Martin Show") as Baloo the Bear and of course Louis Prima as King Louie. But after watching all the Disney animated features, I decided the '60s and '70s were my least favorite (sorry), so I didn't vote for it. The same thing with Bond, although I did consider it and another, for a moment. Here's what I said about it last time.
From Russia With Love (Terence Young, 1963)

The second James Bond film is one of the best, crammed with believable fistfights and suspense to go along with some major action set pieces. Robert Shaw is a delightful strongman bad guy, and Lotte Lenya is both scary and a hoot as his superior. Sean Connery seems more comfortable than he did in Dr. No, and even though the "Bond Girl" (Daniela Bianchi) is a step down from Ursula Andress, she and Bond have a realistic romance which involves something strongly resembling love. There are a few wise cracks here and there but nothing like what the series turned into with Roger Moore. In this film, Bond is still somebody who gets beaten up and could have easily died more than once but survives by his intelligence more than his brawn or super-human qualities.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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A system of cells interlinked
Glad you rated From Russia With Love so highly, Mark, even if it didn't make your list. I used to list other bond flicks as my favorites years ago, but when I recently saw Russia again, I quickly realized it is quite a step up from almost all the other films in the ridiculously long series. As for nostalgia?

Guilty as charged.

That said, the sad fact is that, even though we had the months long viewing period, I still have a tremendous amount of material to watch from the 1960s, so including the bond flick also stems from my not having seen a ton of 60s flicks that I like more.

Master of My Domain
My list so far:


The Brave Little Weeman Returns!
From Russia With Love is one of the best Bond films. It's better than anything Brosnan did, and it's better than at the very least, the large majority of Moore's Bond catalogue. There's too many films in the series to directly give it a ranking, but it's clearly up there. Shaw is one of the best bond villains, Sean's on top form, everything works in this one.

I've seen the Jungle Book once, I think. But I don't remember too much about it except for the bare necessities. You know?
"This aggression will not stand, man" -The Big Lebowski


Trouble with a capital "T"
I had From Russia With Love on my list but it got bumped for another movie. It's one of my favorite Bond films and I do like all the Bond films...And despite what Mark said Daniela Bianchi is the hottest Bond Girl, not to mentioned being a seductive Russian agent made her all the more alluring.

Don't ya think?