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28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I've never had a problem with my PS3, but X-Box on the other hand....
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Glad you're enjoying it. Have you picked up any companions yet?

Rex > Dogmeat. There, I said it! Maybe it's because we had a dog called Rex when I was a kid?

The poor bugger was stolen - Neighbour saw him padding up to a strange car and hopping inside when the door opened.
Yeah, I picked up ED-E very, very early on. I was kind of shocked because in F3 I played for what I'm pretty sure was dozens of hours before I found Dogmeat. I've got Boone, too.

Still, it's Dogmeat for me. Not for any practical reason, just pure sentimentality, because he was such a nice touch in such a desolate game and really struck that balance of vastness and despair with a tinge of hope and humanity that I think summed up the entire game, as grandiose as that might sound.

A system of cells interlinked
I grabbed Dogmeat very, very early (like, during the first Survival Guide mission) on my 2nd play. Makes a huge difference early.

Finally got to play some more Deus Ex! I have been super busy, and my X-box was getting dusty, so I fired it up again yesterday and played for a few hours. Great stuff!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The People's Republic of Clogher
Dead Island has gooooonnne, and for £35 too.

I guess I only put 2 or 3 hours in but if something doesn't grab me pretty much immediately I can't be bothered sticking with it. The only game I can remember in the last few years that I initially felt less-than-whelmed by but later loved was Bioshock.

Traded Dead Island (who the guy in the store loved, so there ya go) for F1 2011.

It's flipping brutal. Excellent!

I found the previous game far too easy - Even with all driving aids turned off it still felt like you had some form of mild traction control and ABS - but this time I'm really struggling to keep up with the field. Some might say I shouldn't start off on the highest difficulty but that's how I like my sims.

"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Resistance 3 First Impressions.

The multiplayer is a bit of a mess. It's chaotic as hell. I hate games that make you get an online code. Even though I bought my game brand new, it's a piss off. I'm not a fan of the co-op mode this time around. The second game had an amazing co-op feature which was incredibly fun.

The single player seems to be a bit more like the original game. I actually liked the second one when a lot of people didn't. Cheers to them for not having a health regen feature like most FPS do these days. Adds a bit more difficulty to the game.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Resistance 3 First Impressions.

The multiplayer is a bit of a mess. It's chaotic as hell. I hate games that make you get an online code. Even though I bought my game brand new, it's a piss off. I'm not a fan of the co-op mode this time around. The second game had an amazing co-op feature which was incredibly fun.

The single player seems to be a bit more like the original game. I actually liked the second one when a lot of people didn't. Cheers to them for not having a health regen feature like most FPS do these days. Adds a bit more difficulty to the game.
Yahtzee on Zero Punctuation actually quite liked R3 (and quite liking from him means it's a GOTY contender) but brought up quite a few similarities to Half Life 2. Still, if you're gonna copy something then copy from the best.

Downloaded Free Realms on PS3 today, mainly because it's free. It's also utter bobbins - A kids' MMORPG, basically.

Also did my first full race in F1 2011 - Qualified 16th in my little Lotus and finished 15th after having had a ding-dong battle with Michael Schumacher. I'm impressed with the AI - I bullied my way past Der Schoom and, unlike most racing games, he came right back at me and stuck to my tail then opportunistically overtook me on the way into the pits.

I'm liking this.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Beat Resistance, incredibly short. Done it in 6 hours.

The latter half is better than the first half in my opinion. I was never wowed by it, but it's a decent enough game. Hated the ending though.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Dead Island is next.

Doesn't live up to the awesome trailer (obviously). I think the controls aren't as shoddy as Tac is saying, but they could use improvements. I'm not far enough into the game to really give my two cents yet, only did two or three missions.

More to come.

On a side note - Portal 2 fans. Free DLC comes out Wednesday!!!!

The People's Republic of Clogher
"I finished 15th and I liked it." Some people man.
Just to let you know that GT5 is mid price now with a massive Spec 2 free update coming mid month and a Red Bull x2010 for everyone once Vettel wins the F1 title.

I'll go easy on you. For a lap or two.

It'll be my last hurrah before Forza 4 comes out. It's looking like everything people hoped GT5 would be especially if the handling matches up. It didn't on Forza 3 - Not every car in the world understeers, Turn10...

there's a frog in my snake oil
I've been busy shooting Michael Schumacher's Underpants. Well probably, who knows what people on Xbox live are called...

Not really a great fan of controllers for hectic FPSing, and the beta map is a bit pedestrian, but still think I'll keep my pre-order for BF3. It's all about the vehicles really anyway (so should I be worried they're not showcasing them? Or is it just as some youtubers are suggesting that it's to try and entice in the CoD crowd that they've gone all infantry heavy?)

Either way, it felt very much like hard work for the first hour. Then like slightly enjoyable hard work for the 2nd. Then finally I was actually getting a handle on it and enjoying levelling up bits of kit and doing that team assisting thing. Will soon see whether the full game's got legs I guess. Or if it's pants
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

You want to post like me?
I've been looking for a good game with online co-op. Any suggestions? Rage is coming out soon. Looks pretty cool.

Dave. Can I shoot stuff in GT5, or otherwise wreck people? Is it all about shaving off a few seconds by replaying maps over and over? Do I have to realistically shift gear? If that's a no and two yesses then I won't be playing GT5. Ever.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Can't shoot stuff but you can wreck as much as you like. Then you'll get banned from every room you try it in. A good trick if someone's arsing you about is to 'pit' them - squeeze them towards the pits entrance and if you time it right they'll cross the line and the automated pitting routine will play, losing them about 30 seconds.

That can, as well, get you banned unless it's in retaliation.

It's not all about time, it's about racing! And there's no shame in using an auto gearbox, I do it all the time. A manual is probably quicker overall because you can run further into the red line but it can get tiresome in circuits with lots of corners.

Basically, the game is as arcady as you want it to be or as sim-like as you can manage. Honestly don't know what it's like using a controller because I've only used a wheel - GT5 Prologue, its predecessor, was fine though.

I can gift you cars as well - Down to my last 480.

Golg.... All I can say is "Good grief!"

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
BF3 Beta is one buggy mofo. I've fallen through the floor more times than I can count. Not a fan of the changes they've made. It's more like the first BF than the second.

there's a frog in my snake oil
I've never played it on a console before, so I'm still not clear on what's changed. I can't seem to figure out if some stuff is missing (like tagging an enemy as a threat) of if I just don't know how to do it. But yeah, it didn't seem like any great leap forward or anything. I wasn't a big fan of the teeny arrows above people - was regularly confused about who was an enemy. I guess the blinding light effect is kinda natty. And the suppression thing is good for teamwork too. Um, aside from that...

There's a hacked version of the vehicle-ised Caspian Sea map doing the rounds for PC apparently. They should really release something like that - I wanna see if the vehicles are still a laugh. (That's the main reason I'm trying to get my hand in now - so I don't get totally slaughtered while running between piloting heavy armour )

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
BF3 Beta is one buggy mofo. I've fallen through the floor more times than I can count. Not a fan of the changes they've made. It's more like the first BF than the second.
I havent played any Battlefield games before, are they any different to Modern Warfare?
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

there's a frog in my snake oil
Hey Newty

I've never really played much CoD, but from what I understand it's the seat-of-your-pants vehicles that are the big difference, and an emphasis on getting a bit strategic and teamed up as you run and gun. That sounds a bit anti-fun maybe, but it all happened pretty organically in BF2. And you can still go lone wolf and just dip in and out of team play if you wants.

Found some long play footage of a big vehicle map. This looks much more like the stuff than the xbox Rush/infantry beta. Pelting in and out of vehicles and trying to get a foothold in a giant playing field.

The only real thing that's still worrying me is that the enemy/friendly icons seem a bit weak at a glance. The map is also getting it's fair share of b*tching.

I havent played any Battlefield games before, are they any different to Modern Warfare?
I was always told BF places emphasis on team work instead of DIY playing, assuming you're not playing with friends, obviously as then any FPS is team work. The main way it achieves this is that each team is broken into squads and you can chose a class (engineer- to repair vehicles, medics etc) and are rewarded for aiding your team. Also the MP game structures are objective based - attack this / defend that and you respawn on your squads position opposed to random point on the map. And of course multi-piloted vehicles.

It's fun, not as addictive as COD, imo. The maps aren't quite as personal, nor is the paying back people who killed you. It's a bit more fast paced and would probably say it requires less skills. If you've ever been merc'd on COD by someone who knows maps inside out etc, there's not quite that skill spectrum.

BF3 though, I like the lense flash of the sniper rifles. The aiming seems amiss though and assault rifles have a poor aim, through smoothness of aiming and actual weapon design/use. I'm guessing after levelling up a bit there'll be some attachments to improve it. The map doesn't really seem to favour any class other than sniper though. Seeing the legs as you vault objects is a nice touch but not sure it's needed. Certainly needs a lot of tuning up, had similar problems as you Golg in identifying enemies and 'spotting' them. Not quite sure what 'suppression bonus' thing is randomly get though? I know it's a beta but the graphics hardly match the photo-realistic looking trailers, instead they all seem too smoothed out texture-less