The Shoutbox

Over/Under 3.5
*the number of times I’ve listened*
*to this already today*
I don't mean to brag, but, I'm braggin
my memory is so f'in sharp
*Cue cheesy commercial chorus"

Rub it in, rub it in.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
McDonalds is trash
What the what the what did you just say? Have you ever tried the McNuggets? Or is your opinion based heavily on the Americanization of the food?
McDonalds is trash
maybe they should stop buying McDonald’s?
Originally Posted by Torgo
They had to sell ad space to McDonald's to pay the bills.
Unfortunate, but understandable.
They had to sell ad space to McDonald's to pay the bills.
Why are our avatars all the same?