The Shoutbox
Amen to that... I have the little google search thing on my browser as well... Amazingly enough though the site is so well designed that it takes less than 3 seconds to load if you don't have the nav bar!... gotta love that
Aha, I see. Well, I'm not too nuts about Yahoo! Messenger...though I can't say which program is my favorite. MSN, AIM, and Y!M all have their upsides. ICQ is definitely the worst of the bunch in my book, however.

Mose: you never said a truer word. I've got a small bit of JavaScript code snuck into one of my IE Links Bar buttons to allow quick searches on Google. It's far and away the best.
Ahhh... I hate to admit it, but I use AIM. It's just about impossible to get some people to switch (can you say GRANDMA!) LOL
I meant messenger... I have to frankenstein my connection to get through the firewall... it catches me sometimes
Greetings Chris! I very rarely use Yahoo... I've found that the only time my search is successful is when I use the search web or whatever the option is that uses Google... so I decided to just skip the middleman and use Google for everything... Google rules!
Who's talkkin' smack 'bout Yahoo???

Hello, peoples of the site.
Well, I like it better now.
Surely you don't mean that.
SC, you so cray-zay.
Hey peoples.