The Shoutbox
Where ya been Spud? Did you actually have to work today?
Hola. BOTH Commishy's
I'm out for now. See ya later.
I'm semi busy today actually. I have to go geek now. I'll be back later. Bye!
It's an MP3 actually. And you'd want to listen to it over and over if you heard it.

Frozen you definitely got me there. I'll probably be cooking one in an hour or so.
I wanna eat some frozen pizza and replay my tape of Miriam singing. I don't mind frozen pizza at all. That tape makes me so happy.
You're bustin' me up. I'll resist the urge to return the favor. Have you been stalking me? Reading my posts carefully to try to map out my habits and tendencies? Freaky.
Bah! I dunno about fun, I'm awfully tired for reasons I don't fully understand
Yeah? Well, Yoda says "Mmmm, judge me by size, do you?"

Not that that has any bearing on this situation. I just felt like quoting Yoda...carry on.
Having fun, are you?
Of course we love that quote