Game of Thrones, Season 5


A system of cells interlinked
Are folks complaining about the end? I felt a bit sad for her, for sure. I was just commenting to Lisa last week "Man, in this terrible land, this girl is still somehow a virgin - that can't last much longer!"

And here we are! how about those actor's performances in that scene? So good.

I was glad to see Arya make it down into the depths of The House of Black and White. As usual, the show people have trimmed her activity down a bit, but they still have her on the same path.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I would have been surprised if Ramsey hadn't done that. Any sort of gentleness would have been out of character for him. Can't say I had too much sympathy for her, though. I've never liked her and she's made some pretty terrible decisions.

Any show that has casual dialogue of "We'll keep the dwarf alive until we get to the cock merchant", shouldnt have been shocked by Sansas wedding night. Disgusted, yes, but people should know what theyre posibly getting into with this show by now. Medieval with a stroke of fantasy, and in that order.

Welcome to the human race...
Part of the reason it feels especially gratuitous is that it derails Sansa's current character arc considerably, taking her from being this manipulator-in-training who has at least some degree of personal agency (as demonstrated by her staying with Littlefinger instead of joining Brienne earlier in the season, which is a real the-devil-you-know kind of deal) and reduces her to the same helpless victim she was several seasons ago. The fact that the episode cuts away from showing it happen in order to close the show on Theon's conflicted face also suggests it happened merely as a means of developing him as a character more so than developing Sansa - the implication seems to be that the incident is supposed to help him question his brainwashed loyalty to Ramsay.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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I am burdened with glorious purpose
Okay, I'm one of "those people" that is just so annoyed with where this show is going. I am a book reader, so that may be the problem, but that last episode just plain sucked. That Dorne fight was embarassing. Jaime's storyline is embarassing.

And Sansa? REALLY? The whole thing with Littlefinger taking her there for the Boltons just does. not. make. sense. It's illogical. Why would she agree?

And I'm not saying that rape of anyone is ok, but in the book, it does matter that it isn't a Stark. It lessons the impact. This is Sansa STARK being raped. I think that matters.

I also hate that I believe the rape is going to lead to Reek becoming Theon again… and I don't like that they used Sansa to get there.

I just think the writing is going way downhill. I was trying to like it this season -- and I was to some extent -- but I just don't know anymore….

Edited to Add: I'm with Iroquois on this.

Welcome to the human race...
And Sansa? REALLY? The whole thing with Littlefinger taking her there for the Boltons just does. not. make. sense. It's illogical. Why would she agree?
Technically, she didn't. All she really knew when she and Littlefinger left the Eyrie at the start of the season was that he was setting up a marriage proposal and she presumed that it would involve him instead of her. I don't think she realised until they'd actually gotten close to (or arrived in) Winterfell and he had explained his plan, and by then it was too late. If she'd known earlier, she might have tried to take up Brienne on her offer.

But yeah, doesn't make it any less horrible.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
I agree that if she had known while at the Inn, she may have gone with Brienne.

And about the Inn scene… isn't Sansa a wanted criminal for killing Joffrey? So that black hair is the disguise?

I don't buy it. That entire storyline is just not working for me.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
So? what did everyone think?

This episode was an improvement. Tyrion meets Dany, Ghost appears -- which is always welcome --, Sam and Gilly show their love, and Cersei is finally arrested. I've been waiting for that.

I despise Cersei beyond all reason. I cannot wait for the day she dies.

I'm very worried about the Jon Snow storyline…(I've read the books)…

Dorne scenes are still terrible.

...Cersei is finally arrested. I've been waiting for that.

I despise Cersei beyond all reason. I cannot wait for the day she dies.
I nearly cheered when she got arrested. I hate her so very, very much.

I was really disappointed when Tyrion escaped and killed Shae and his father, but didn't try to find her too. Really interested to see what happens with Tyrion and Jorah now.

I agree the Dorne scenes are lacking. My appreciation for Jaime that came about after his scenes with Brienne is starting to wane.

Part of the reason it feels especially gratuitous is that it derails Sansa's current character arc considerably, taking her from being this manipulator-in-training who has at least some degree of personal agency (as demonstrated by her staying with Littlefinger instead of joining Brienne earlier in the season, which is a real the-devil-you-know kind of deal) and reduces her to the same helpless victim she was several seasons ago. The fact that the episode cuts away from showing it happen in order to close the show on Theon's conflicted face also suggests it happened merely as a means of developing him as a character more so than developing Sansa - the implication seems to be that the incident is supposed to help him question his brainwashed loyalty to Ramsay.
Mm, that seems to make alot of sense, but what youre laying out is predictable and to "pat". The show has often taken a different path than what one expects of a character. Like in season 1 when everyone thought Drogo & Ned Stark were permanent characters, or the Red Wedding later. Sansa going from what appeared to be Littlefingers pupil to actually his pawn to be used, thats not much of a stretch compared to some sudden arcs in the show. Her innocence is gone forever, and thats a decision Littlefinger has made thousands of times to young girls throughout his life.

Its disgusting and seemingly doesnt make sense, but the author has sometimes used a medieval-flavored chaos theory throughout the series, even for for pivotal storylines.

This season is probably the worst GoT season so far. We are at episode 7 and I feel like I have watched 3 episodes stretched to more than the double. I don't care whether the show is slow or action-packed it just has to be good. And for it is a very mixed bag. Of course there are still episodes that stand out and moments to cherish, but mostly it just feels like a very long walk to nothing. The cliff-hangers and wow-moments comes with little impact or build-up, and the show itself is missing impact and build-up... I love the classic comments you see all over "why do you complain just because it's slow, it is just building up, it is a foreshadowing of things to come" ... Well, that sentence just doesn't work anymore. Things doesn't come quick or good enough. It's half-assed and lazy. The last episodes will hopefully be some great ones, but the season as a whole is lost I'm afraid...

I am burdened with glorious purpose
Season 5 is a transition season, just like the books were. Many people complained about the books 4 and 5 -- which is this season -- because people were going nowhere. It seemed like they were just wandering around and nothing much was happening.

My feeling is that it is setting up for a complete vacuum of power. GRRM would talk about the "Mereen Knot" which somehow was something to do with all the storylines catching up and that the Stark kids had to be more grown up. But, tbh, I just don't know. It's confusing when you have Dany meet Tyrion in Mereen when in the books, she's not even there anymore.

Anyway, Cersei has lost her power and her son is a weak king. So I believe this transitions to a time where all is vulnerable to the enemies up north. And Jon Snow should play a huge role in all this.

It's a strange thing now to be a book reader and wonder if I'm going to get two different stories. And if the show wraps up the story, why would I then read the books?

It's all really weird now.

As to the Sansa storyline, I still don't like the change. Plus, Ramsey Snow is just a ridiculous character. He's a Snydley Whiplash one-dimensional evil villain. Have we ever had his motivations? NO. Not even in the books. He's just disgusting. As much as I love the books, the whole Ramsey storyline is just stupid and uncharacteristic of GRRM's writing. There is nothing gray or interesting about him. /rant

The bitch Cersei created a monster and now it has turned on her. I LOVE IT! I want Cersei's head! Also I am REALLY looking forward to seeing what becomes of Tyrion and Dany. Also I hope Brienne cuts Ramsey Bolton's head off.

Finally the season is ramping up.
I feared for the sell-sword dude after he got cut, so I'm happy he got some medicine for it.

Speaking of which, it would be cool if this modified version of the mountain killed everyone to break cersei out of prison.

I feared for the sell-sword dude after he got cut, so I'm happy he got some medicine for it.
yeah I'm glad they didn't kill off Bronn in the dumbest way possible for a character like him. I'm glad they didn't kill him at all he's such a fun character to have around in case you need him.