Superman: Man of Steel


Let the superherp fit the movie.

Spiderman, Superman are more family friendly.

Batman, Wolverine not.

Some like Hulk can go either way.
Batman and Wolverine can be done either way also, without doing the over-the-top "Brave and the Bold" style (which I am a fan of, however). As a teenager I enjoyed watching "Batman: The Animated Series" and the "X-Men" animated series with my much younger brothers. Both were written and produced in a way that could appeal to anyone without alienating one group or the other.

Part of the problem I see these days, is when they do produce a more family-friendly type super hero film (possible exception of Spider-Man), or at least what I consider to be one, the fanboys trash it to no end. So then the studios believe every hero needs to be darker and edgier like Batman and Wolverine. I enjoyed both Fantastic Four films and I thought they worked as a more family-friendly type super hero film. They didn't set records, but they didn't fail miserably at the box office either. They weren't masterpieces, of course, but the fanboy hatred of them is so intense the studio is rebooting the franchise already.

Anyway, I've probably gone on too long about that subject. As far as the new Superman movie, I hope it will not be dark and edgy, because that's not Superman. With Nolan and Snyder, I'm afraid that's what it may be, however. WB had said after The Dark Knight that they wanted all their super hero films to be dark and edgy. The trailer for Green Lantern doesn't look so dark and edgy, though, so I guess there's hope.
"I made mistakes in drama. I thought drama was when actors cried. But drama is when the audience cries." - Frank Capra
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I hear they'e adapting All Star Superman (An award winning mini-series written by Grant Morrison) into an animated movie.

For those who haven't read it, I highly recommend it, I personally hate Superman.
But I love this comic a lot.
If you haven't read any Superman comic, then let it be this one.

It is not kiddish & quite deep for a character like Superman.
It also has a very decent artwork to go along with the amazing story.

I am not sure how they plan to adapt it into an animated movie, it will be quite difficult to portray most of the elements shown in the comic.
But I hope they keep the animation close to Quitely's style.

dargofargo's Avatar
Registered User
the last one sucked hope its super man vs doomsday and not like they did in smallville that was a mess ugh

I wasn't a huge fan of 300, but Snyder is a comic fan at heart and no matter what I think he's going to have the best interrest for the series at heart.

Expect a LOT of Sloooooooowwwww motion shots of Superman flying.

...uh the post is up there...

planet news's Avatar
Registered User
& Superman screaming while throwing a punch (all in slow-mo)??
No. Not all in slow-mo. It will be half in slow-mo and then the frame rate will pick up really quickly as he initially makes contact with the guy's face and then slows down again and then the camera rotates around them 180 degrees and only then zooms into Superman's metacarpals. We then watch the punch's completion from inside of Superman's fist (in slow-mo).
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Should be better than the last Superman.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I liked Henry Cavill in The Tudors. I might be actually interested in this now. Superman Returns was a bit... meh.

I hate to say it, but I think Hollywood needs to hang up the superhero genre. It's bloated, bleeding cadaver is starting to smell.

I hate to say it, but I think Hollywood needs to hang up the superhero genre. It's bloated, bleeding cadaver is starting to smell.

I respectfully disagree, I think the superhero movie is exactly what the summer "popcorn" movies are made for.......

Nothing better than superpowers and lots of explosive battling for a good summer movie, now I would cede that they need to get better at it, less dark, brooding, character building and more cheesy, campy action!

A system of cells interlinked
I respectfully disagree, I think the superhero movie is exactly what the summer "popcorn" movies are made for.......

Nothing better than superpowers and lots of explosive battling for a good summer movie, now I would cede that they need to get better at it, less dark, brooding, character building and more cheesy, campy action!
Terrible idea. I'll take a serious, dark, brooding character any day over some lame ass camp. Want some camp? Go watch Batman and Robin. I've waited decades for the genre to be taken more seriously, and the films are fine just the way they are.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I tend to agree, but I'm definitely open to the idea that Superman is sort of grit-proof. It's hard to imagine a worthwhile conception of the character that doesn't stay sort of rosy and larger-than-life. If the character is to be made "darker," it's probably got to be largely psychological. And a Superman that's genuinely relatable isn't really Superman any more, because his other-ness is -- at the risk of contradiction from someone more knowledgeable about these things -- is kind of the point of the guy, I'd always thought.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Scoff all you want, but Superman: The Movie is still the epitome of what a super hero movie should be.
Right you are, sir. Sure, elements are laughable now, but it is still one of the truest adaptions of a comic book character, to date.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg