The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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A system of cells interlinked
Lady Bird was good. It was in contention for my ballot briefly, but ultimately, I decided not to include any of the coming-of-age stuff I had hanging around at the back end of my list, including stuff like Eighth Grade and Gerwig's Little Women (prefer the Ryder version).
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Victim of The Night

11. The Wolf of Wall Street - Every time I decide I'm going to watch The Wolf of Wall Street I find excuses not to, so for a very long time now I've been avoiding it. Everyone I know has seen it - and obviously people think it's great, but I don't know if I can handle a film about these kind of greedy jerks making me angry, no matter how much good comedy is in it. So, I haven't seen The Wolf of Wall Street, even though I know I should at least give it a chance.
I'm the same but for slightly different reasons.

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Yeah, it's funny, it didn't quite make my list either but I liked it more than at least THREE films that are about to appear in the Top-10.
Haha, I like it more than seven of the movies that are prognosticated for top 10.
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

Another of my no-shows is another Malick film from the decade: A Hidden Life (2019). I did not expect this one to be on more than one or two other lists, at most, but I still had it as my twelfth pick on my ballot. It was not as celebrated nor even seen as much as Tree of Life and it is quite different, but another wonderful piece of cinema. This one tells the true story of a Catholic farmer named Franz Jägerstätter. He lived in a remote mountain village of Austria, so remote it almost seems untouched by time. But the modern world does intrude as World War II begins. Although he did some military training with the other men in his village, he refused to fight for Germany when called upon. The Nazis did not give conscientious objectors a choice of whether to fight or not, and when his community ostracized him and his family and even the church itself turned against him, he was imprisoned and ultimately executed. August Diehl (The Counterfeiters, Inglourious Basterds) gives a powerful performance as the man who would die for his faith and principles. More hypnotic poetry by Malick, centered on a very intimate and internal struggle. And of course achingly beautiful cinematography, this time by Jörg Widmer who had worked on several of Malick's projects as a camera operator.

2. The Tree of Life (#10)
4. Incendies (#30)
5. Take Shelter (#67)
6. The Artist (#87)
8. Silence (#43)
9. Birdman (#21)
10. The Revenant (#53)
11. The Favourite (#61)
12. A Hidden Life (DNP)
13. Hunt for the Wilderpeople (DNP)
14. Nightcrawler (#55)
15. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (#72)
17. The Wolf of Wall Street (#11)
19. Silver Linings Playbook (#24)
21. Room (#97)
22. True Grit (#40)
24. Get Out (#19)

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

The trick is not minding
Seen and was very much on the fence about Tree of Life.

Malick is a director whose films I appreciate on artistic level, but find them too high brow and somewhat…esoteric perhaps? I find myself admiring them at arms length.

Near Misses (#121 - #130)

121. I, Daniel Blake No
122. It's Such a Beautiful Day No
123. Avengers: Infinity War No
124. Captain America: The Winter Soldier No
125. Life of Pi saw it
126. Scream 4 No
127. The Skin I Live In No, but you have peaked my interest MOFO
128. Argo saw it
129. 12 Years a Slave WTF? This is my number 13. Maybe Shame will be in the top ten. . i can not believe that we have no room for Steve McQueen. A solid filmmaker who tells interesting realistic stories. How many super hero movie are on this list?
130. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens No

Trouble with a capital "T"
My reactions:
Near Misses (#121 - #130)

121. I, Daniel Blake Seen it, it was decent
122. It's Such a Beautiful Day Not seen
123. Avengers: Infinity War Don't want to see
124. Captain America: The Winter Soldier Don't want to see
125. Life of Pi Excellent film that doesn't get enough respect
126. Scream 4 Could care less
127. The Skin I Live In Not seen
128. Argo Considered it for my ballot, almost made it
129. 12 Years a Slave Considered it for my ballot, almost made it
130. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens Which one is this? Oh never mind I could care less about franchises.

127. The Skin I Live In Not seen
You have seen this, actually. I nominated it in a HOF.

The Skin I Live In

Wow, that was weird, really weird!...Nothing at all like I had expected. I went into this blind and well, I didn't know what to expect, except I thought it might be visually graphic & gross, which it wasn't.

I have to say subjectively this is an excellent made film with some uncomfortable subject matter that's presented quite seamlessly. I can see why people would really like this. Objectively it's not the type of film I usually watch, though the second to last 'payback' scene was just desserts! I don't think I've ever more wanted to see two evil characters get what they deserved than here in this film. I'm so glad for that scene, it felt like redemption.

I liked the pacing and the art design of the sets too. Everything was very professional and artistically done, nothing seemed rushed. I like how that screen shot that I used...mirrors a nude painting that hangs in the doctors house. I thought that was pretty creative. So was the breakfast scene where the doctor has a small bottle of syrup he pours on his waffles and then licks the bottle, then the maid brings a bigger bottle which turns out to be blood. I don't know why but I thought that was ingenious.

10/91 on the list
51/91 seen

Here's my prediction for what will show on my ballot

1. Silver Lining's Playbook (2012)
2. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
3. Birdman (2014)
4. highly unlikely
5. no way in h ll
6. highly likely
7. doubt it
8. probably not
9. don't think so
10. Inside Llewyn Davis (2013) I wasn't sure about this one but was hoping.
11. maybe The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
12. don't know
13. probably
14. should but won't
15. probably not
16. The Descendants (2011)
17. probably not
18. it should but won't
19. Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
20. Get Out (2017)
21. Spotlight (2015)
22. probably not
23. Boyhood (2014)
24. probably not
25. don't think so

I have never seen Tree of Life and don't intend on seeing it. I find Malick's work beautiful but boring.

Seen Tree of Life once and thought highly of it, but it wasn't that long ago and I can't remember a single thing about it. That certainly has nothing to do with it's quality.

A system of cells interlinked
I've left the room after half an hour of watching Tree of Life.
Sorry, I think, it is another etalon for the so spread this decade pseudo-cinema.
Malick is pseudo-cinema?

Come on now...

Near Misses (#101 - #110)
101. Frances Ha - Not Seen
102. Call Me By Your Name - Not Seen
103. The Nice Guys - Not Seen
104. Moneyball - Not Seen
105. I Am Not Your Negro - Not Seen
106. I Saw the Devil - Not Seen
107. American Hustle - Seen - A very boring movie, all there was just people talking
108. Lady Bird - Seen - Not a bad High School teen movie
109. Mommy - Not Seen
110. Predestination - Not Seen

Near Misses (#111 - #120)
111. The Babadook - Not Seen
112. Mandy - Not Seen
113. Won't You be My Neighbor? - Not Seen
114. Skyfall - Seen - A decent bond film
115. Uncle Boonmee Who can Recall His Past Lives - Not Seen
116. Hanagatami - Not Seen
117. Midsommar - Not Seen
118. Hugo - Not Seen
119. A Ghost Story - Not Seen
120. You Were Never Really Here - Not Seen

Near Misses (#121 - #130)
121. I, Daniel Blake - Not seen
122. It's Such a Beautiful Day - Not Seen
123. Avengers: Infinity War Seen - Didn't like it that much
124. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Seen - Not a bad movie
125. Life of Pi - Not seen
126. Scream 4 - Seen and I love this movie - #11 on my ballot
127. The Skin I Live In - Not Seen
128. Argo - Not Seen
129. 12 Years a Slave - Not Seen
130. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens - Seen - The movie was alright

My Ballot so far:

#1 - The Avengers
#5 - Deadpool
#6 - Easy A
#10 - Guardians of the Galaxy
#11 - Scream 4
#25 - One Pointer: Purge: Election Year
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

I assume you are talking about Brooklyn here. I am right there with you, having lost hope for seeing this one somewhere in the 60s. Easily one of my favorites of the decade, and had even cracked my Top 10 of all time for a while when I was watching it frequently.

My ballot so far...
  1. Should be Top 10
  2. Gravity
  3. Arrival
  4. Will be Top 10
  5. Brooklyn - Sadly will not make it
  6. The Revenant
  7. Incendies
  8. Life of Pi - Another near miss
  9. Whoops! Thought this was a near miss but wasn't
  10. Prisoners
  11. The Florida Project
  12. Boyhood
  13. Birdman
  14. Might make Top 3
  15. Interstellar
  16. Still think this makes Top 10 even if Vicky doesn't
  17. The Man from Nowhere
  18. Mission Impossible Rogue Nation - Wasted slot on my ballot but I love it
  19. Sicario
  20. Hell or High Water
  21. The Guardians of the Galaxy
  22. Inception
  23. Get Out
  24. Zero Dark Thirty
  25. The Raid: Redemption
Absolutely the one I meant. I loved that movie and still think it's a better performance from Ronan, although Lady Bird was great.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

I, Daniel Blake was my #18. I watched a lot of films in preparation for the countdown, knowing that I'd feel hesitant about putting such a recent watch on my list for the decade. But I found it to be such a powerful, simple narrative that I couldn't leave it off.

Count me as one of those sad at The Skin I Live In not making it. It wasn't on my ballot, but I still hoped it might make it.

Tree of Life is one I didn't get to before the countdown, and one of my bigger regrets in that regard. I've had a very positive response to everything I've seen from Malick (especially Days of Heaven and The New World), so I have good reason to think I'll really like it.

There are 10 films on my list that haven't made either the list or the near-misses. I know that my #1 will make it. There's an outside chance that my #12 will make it. The rest are definitely nos at this point. There are two that won't make it that I'd really hoped might show, but they didn't even make the first 30 near misses.

Then 2022 must have had some good films for you. So did you prefer Triangle of Sadness or The Menu?
LOL. Haven't seen Triangle of Sadness yet.

Tree of Life was of course not on my list. Why would it be? Shitty movie.

Just kidding @seanc of course it was on my list. I had it at #4.

Malick has tried to replicate what he got with this movie several times, but has never come close. This is, essentially, a movie made on the biggest question you could ever ask in a movie or anywhere for that matter: what is life?

It is many things and can be many things to many people. It’s spiritual, it’s scientific, it’s the Big Bang, it’s the birth of your child, it is the death of your child, it’s animals, it’s humans, it’s the search, the discovery, the longing, the loving, the everything… and Tree of Life is like a journey through life, but in different ways.

It’s also perhaps the most beautiful film ever made. At least it’s a true contender. It’s got natural lightning, amazing compositions, it’s got visual effects that is practical and that is CG. It got steady cam, it got handheld, it got it all. A visual monumental piece of work. The sound design too. Amazing.

Glad to see it crack the top ten.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Tree Of Life was my #1. Was hoping for top for sure. I actually have a very Christian point of view around here, if anyone is interested.

129. 12 Years a Slave WTF? This is my number 13. Maybe Shame will be in the top ten. . i can not believe that we have no room for Steve McQueen. A solid filmmaker who tells interesting realistic stories. How many super hero movie are on this list?
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

I have never seen Tree of Life and don't intend on seeing it. I find Malick's work beautiful but boring.
My feelings exactly. So I didn't vote for it.

I actually have a vert Christian point of view around here, if anyone is interested.
I'm interested. I, too, am Christian, although even being one couldn't get me to watch Tree of Life.

List so far:
#2. Moonrise Kingdom #37
#4. Silver Linings Playbook #24
#5. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri #44
#6. True Grit #40
#7. Arrival #12
#9. Brooklyn No chance for it.
#10. Hell or High Water #73
#11. Zero Dark Thirty #58
#13. The Nice Guys DNP #103
#15. Edge of Tomorrow #68
#24. Gone Girl #65

129. 12 Years a Slave WTF? This is my number 13. Maybe Shame will be in the top ten. . i can not believe that we have no room for Steve McQueen. A solid filmmaker who tells interesting realistic stories. How many super hero movie are on this list?
#94. Captain America: Civil War
#85. Deadpool
#79. Avengers: Endgame
#60. Joker
#46. Logan
#39. Guardians of the Galaxy
#28. The Avengers
#26. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Eight, but although I see your point, I think that's a small amount compared with the massive amount of superhero output that has been released just in the past decade (20 eligible MCU films, 8 eligible DCEU films, plus anything miscellaneous) By law of proportion, there were bound to be a few, and I think 8 is a fairly low percentage out of the 30+ superhero films that were eligible.
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