The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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King’s Speech isn’t something that interests me but I suppose I should see it some day.

I fail to understand what is so special about Spring Breakers, outside of Franco’s performance as Alien, who isn’t even in the movie that much from what I remember.

The King's Speech is...whatever, you know, it's decent but nothing special, Oscar-bait-type-of-film that you expect to get a bunch of nominations due to many factors, including subject/type of film and timing of release, but then not win anything. Except it won.What was it up against that in retrospect I think The Social Network deserved the win then and now, based on the nominations. Meh it's the Oscars.

Don't like Spring Breakers at all. Don't like Korine at all. And yes, I get it - standard Oscar bait.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

This is about how I feel about it, except for two things:

1. Geoffrey Rush and Colin Firth are wonderful and their performances are worth the 2 hours.
2. The King's Speech beating Black Swan for Best Picture is an even more egregious bed-shitting than Forrest Gump beating Pulp Fiction (I actually love Shakespeare In Love and have a low-key loathing for Spielberg so I'll leave the other one people go on about, and the Kane affair out of this).

I'm wondering what's the ratio of egregious or just extremely bad Oscar BP picks vs reasonable winner selection is. Especially if you remove the 70s (and especially if you factor in non-US films that were defacto snubbed, though they'd be hard to retro-factor in since their eligible year is their US release date and that's not what movie sites list "movies by year" by). I'm guessing it's very bad.
In the case of Shakespeare in Love, I was guessing there'd be a third unnamed movie from the year that would have been the correct answer. Boy, '98 was not a good year for film (i guess this is more exaggerated for me since I didn't care for Rushmore and Lebowski ranks lower on my Coen ranking). It seems like the 'obvious' pick from that year for me is The Thin Red Line.

Maybe The Truman Show?

I'd guess Kore-eda's Afterlife wouldn't have been eligible until the following year, I'm guessing.

78. The King's Speech (2010, Tom Hooper) 90 points
Not seen this one. Doesn't seem like my thing, probably my anti-monarchy stance getting in the way.

77. Spring Breakers (2013, Harmony Korine) 91 points
Really surprised this made the cut. Good to see though as it's not a universally loved film. I liked it but not enough to put in my ballot. Gorgeous cinematography.

No votes.

Welcome to the human race...
No votes. I've seen The King's Speech once and thought it was one of the most milquetoast Best Picture winners I've ever seen (which is saying something) - I can't really imagine wanting to watch it again. As for Spring Breakers, I think it's good of SpelingError to have picked an excerpt from my review where I was at least trying to meet the film on its own terms rather than write it off as the braindead party flick it seems to be - being that conciliatory in a
review has definitely translated to me genuinely appreciating it on rewatch.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

spring breakers was my #2. the definitive satire of the american dream and the darkness undergirding our collective desires. suburban malaise turned to hedonistic gangster fantasy turned to pop cinema nightmare. paradise lost. and above all just incredibly funny and an astounding feat of style. britney spears montage is the best scene of the century
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

I really liked The King’s Speech. Not that it’s a favorite or anything or that it’s something totally unique, but it was well made and I was invested throughout. But it was never in consideration for my list.

I’ve debated a few times whether to watch Spring Breakers or not, but it’s not exactly something that looks like I’m going to be sad forever for never watching it. Also seems very much like I’ll either hate it or love it. No in between. I’m not in hurry to watch it, but someday who knows…

Great hints once again, Speling.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I always thought King’s Speech was better than its rep with cinephiles, but not hreat for me either. I never considered it and it may be my biggest surprise on the countdown so far. I want to take back my BPs on the list guess.

I really don’t know how I feel about Korine yet. A big part of me is repelled by his sensibilities, but he is also an interesting director. I haven’t felt compelled to return to a thing I have seen, so I think that is saying something. My feelings on the director about sum up my feelings on Spring Breakers. No vote.

The King's Speech is...whatever, you know, it's decent but nothing special
The best description of The King's Speech I've ever seen.

Spring Breakers is both atrocious and great at the same time, which kinda makes it great at the end, confoundingly.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I thought that The King's Speech was fine, but it's not a movie that stuck with me.

Adding Spring Breakers to my to-watch list. I've only ever been medium interested in it.

The trick is not minding
Seen The Kings Speech in theaters and thought it was ok. A more recent watch a few years ago in BP HOF confirmed it.

Have not seen Spring Breakers, but Franco, in the scenes I’ve seen in trailers, always seemed to bad in this. Always planned to see it eventually, regardless, but wasn’t enough allure to do so, even with 4 hot girls running around in bikinis.

No votes.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I was kind of surprised that either of these made the list.

The King's Speech is, as lots of people have said, decent but nothing particularly memorable. But maybe there's something to be said for doing something straightforward and doing it well.

I haven't seen Spring Breakers and haven't ever heard anything good about it.

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
The King's Speech (2010) - naturally, I saw it when it came out. In those years, we've been mad about Colin Firth as one of the high class gifted actors of that generation. Adding the names of Geoffrey Rush, Derek Jacobi and Michael Gambon ... what a feast of style and art as a whole!
Well, I've realized just now that, due to the heavy competition, I have this film at #40 in my list of the decade... wow! I thought, I have it at #20, at least. Thanks to all of you who brought this movie in top 100!
+ (84/100).


Never heard Spring Breakers.

my stats

Top 100 seen 8/24.
(seen 441-458 • 2/18
seen one pointers • 4/35)

My list (extended top 60):
9. Albert Nobbs (2011) [#453.]
25. Ága (2018) [one-pointer]


28. Certified Copy (2010) [#84.]
40. The King's Speech (2010) [#78.]
55. The Descendants (2011) [#98.]
56. 1917 (2019) [#86.]
60. The Artist (2011) [#87.]

"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

The King's Speech was ok but I'd rank it last out of all the 2010's best picture winners.

Spring Beakers is a type of movie that I go for but I thought it was crap.

It seems strange how few of these movies on the countdown I care for so far considering that I really like such a high percentage of the movies I watch.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Another movie with the Raul Seal of Disapproval. My god Spring Breakers is awful what the hell are we thinking!?! I really hope this thing isn't about to turn south!

Kings Speech is ok. Don't think it's top 100 material though.

The King's Speech is a movie I really liked, especially the performances of the three leads. I was glad that Colin Firth won Best Actor. He may have already deserved it for other performances but I'm glad he won as he was fine in this role. I didn't vote for it, however.

Yeah, I'm a bit surprised to see Spring Breakers on the list. I didn't care about little bimbos just barely into their 20s running around acting like thugs with guns. The whole idea just didn't appeal to me and I usually like "chicks with guns." Along with Franco, I didn't care about a single character in the movie and I ended up wishing a bomb would drop on top of all of them. May seem a bit of a harsh reaction but every once in a while I come across a movie that I want to hurt, and this is one of them.

So, still no votes and my list gets no love again. But things are very interesting by this point and anything could happen, which makes it exciting for me. And @SpelingError and @Yoda are doing a great job!
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."