The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Interesting. I think the LOTR movies are great, but I don't want them to take up 3 spots. Even one of them this high is a stretch for me. I think Fellowship deserves a spot in the 100 though. So I'm not that disappointed to see one show up here.

Schindler's List is one of the greatest movies ever made, even if I only want to watch it every 20 years. Not in my 25, but solidly in my 100.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I didn't vote for the Two Towers despite being a major character.

I like the LOTR movies, and it's cool to see it one of them make it on here, hopefully there's only one or two that make it, there's other movies that could fill in those spots and LOTR could just have one of the spots. As for Schindler's List, I have not seen that movie yet.
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

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Not a fan of the Lord of the Rings Movies. They feel to me like they're 80% made by a guy sitting infront of a computer.

Schindler's list is a good but not great movie. Wouldn't be near my top 100.

Probably my least favourite pair so far, sorry to the fans of these films!

I like Lord of the Rings, I think they're good entertaining films but for my personal taste, there are hundreds of films I prefer to them so put me in the camp that wishes they didn't take up three spaces on here. I think I always regarded Fellowship as my favourite of the three.

Schindler's List I've never really been a fan of. I think every time I've seen it, someone else has had it on. For example, our History teacher showing it to us. Growing up I always heard it was a great, powerful film but it never connected with me in a sincere way. There are plenty of better films about the Holocaust for me and better films about War in general.

60/60 seen.

A system of cells interlinked
Damn. I would have bet dollars to navy beans that if a LotR picture showed up, it would be either Fellowship or Return. I am befuddled as to how The Two Towers made this list. Perhaps my first disappointment of this entire run so far.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Schindler's List is an extremely powerful film and very much worthy of its inclusion here, however, it's also an extremely difficult film for me to watch. So although it is in my personal top 100, the fact that I actually hate watching it means that it's nowhere near my top 25 and therefore not on my ballot.

I'm pretty sure Two Towers is one of the two LOTR movies I've seen. If so, I hated it. If not, I'm entirely sure I would hate it.

My Ballot:
5. Her (#94)
9. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (#92)
25. Clay Pigeons (One-Pointers)

Not a fan of the Lord of the Rings Movies. They feel to me like they're 80% made by a guy sitting infront of a computer.
This is a pretty reasonable complaint of the Hobbit films that followed, but the LOTR films involve a staggering number of practical effects/sets, FWIW. It's one of the things I love about them.

This is a pretty reasonable complaint of the Hobbit films that followed, but the LOTR films involve a staggering number of practical effects/sets, FWIW. It's one of the things I love about them.
Probably just a flawed memory of mine then. I only watched the first two once on release I think and stopped there.

A system of cells interlinked
LOL @ Vicky

RE: Pretty much every entry on the list

"If so, I hated it. If not, I'm entirely sure I would hate it."

Lord of the Rings my ass, there goes my perfect game. Maybe I'll watch it one day if it's on while I'm sitting in some waiting room just so I can cross it off my stinkin list.

Schindler's List is great but no vote from me.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Seen it. Nothing above expectations. 2.75/5
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Probably just a flawed memory of mine then. I only watched the first two once on release I think and stopped there.
To be charitable, I don't think you made a mistake: a lot of the wide battle shots are mostly CGI. It's just that they have a lot of practical effects in all the other shots. It's also relative, in that they had way more practical effects than they "had to," and far more than cheaper faux epics do today.

I also give them points because this is very much a case of a new technique spawning a lot of cheap imitators, which I think maybe rebounds back on the original over time. Specifically, they created a rudimentary battle AI called MASSIVE to simulate armies fighting without having to animate each one individually, which was fairly revolutionary at the time, even though that kind of thing seems to be in every movie now.

But yeah, they spent so much time and love on sets, and matte painting, and forced perspective and all that, which is why stuff like the size differences look so smooth and natural: because they didn't take the "easy" way out, at least in those regards:

I didn't vote for the Two Towers despite being a major character.
Too hard on yourself