The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Woof, this moves fast. Of the last 10 films, none were on my list, but I'd rate E.T., The Apartment, 8˝, and to a slightly lesser degree, Toy Story, as excellent. The Apartment could have made my list, but I set myself an arbitrary rule (that I think I adhered to) of only one film per director, and a different Wilder was in my Top 25. And 8˝ was probably among my last 10-15 cuts. The other films I had varying reactions to, though none struck me as obviously bad, and I can appreciate the range of taste on display (though this kind of aggregated list will inherently marginalize the, well, more marginal films, which is why I appreciate the one-pointers would love to see the full list of films that received votes).

Incidentally, 8˝ was my first Fellini, and I loved it straightaway. I suspect seeing it in the theater may have helped, as I've definitely found that for me at least certain kinds of films--more abstract, slower-paced, or otherwise less conventional--benefit from both the size of the screen and the greater focus of the theatrical experience (at least one film on my list would likely not have made if I had only seen it at home).

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I will just say I hope the Magnolia guesses are correct.

My initial thought was Midnight Cowboy

I will pair that with Magnolia for karma

Tomorrow's hint:

To what pretty place can a young man go to find those blooming skyscrapers?
Initially I thought
Skyscraper (The Rock) and Rose off Titanic...

Die Hard

Tomorrow's hint:

To what pretty place can a young man go to find those blooming skyscrapers?
Seems a bit early, but Metropolis

Blooming reminds me of the Bloomin' Onion from Outback, so Picnic at Hanging Rock.

I'd love them to be

and either

Serbuan maut or
Serbuan maut 2: Berandal

but sadly I doubt any of those will turn up.

It's been ten films since my last update. There's very little to write about as I've only seen two of the last ten films (maybe more, but I'll specify this later).

I saw E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial in a theater when it was new, and I recently rewatched it for an HoF. It didn't make my list, but at least I liked it more than I expected prior to that rewatch. Here's my HoF review:

The other film I've seen for sure is Saving Private Ryan. It has the best looking battles of all the war films ever made. The story that glues them together is a bit so-so, but I do find the film quite enjoyable. I think I've said it's my second favorite war movie, but I didn't even end up voting for my #1 (possibly a hasty mistake), so it's not on my ballot. I've rated it 8/10 on IMDb.

There's a chance I've seen To Kill a Mockingbird and/or Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid on the TV at some point, but I'm not sure so I'll count them as not seen. Others seem quite confident nos.

Concerning the question earlier in this thread about how many films on your ballot you've only seen once. I have only one such film on my list, and I've been meaning to rewatch it for quite some time now (I'll do it when I finally decide to nominate it for one HoF or another). Everything else is seen between two and several dozen times.

Seen 8/20
My list this far:
13: The Seventh Seal (1957) [honorable mention]
25: Poison of the Fairies (1984) [1-pointer]

Another reveal, another two films I haven't seen.

I haven't seen nearly enough of the Italian masters like Fellini and Antonioni. It's gonna be a struggle considering a decent amount of them are on Criterion or HBO Max, but I do realize I need to catch up with the greats.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid feels like something I should have seen by now. Paul Newman, Robert Redford, western...yeah, this clicks the boxes. And weirdly enough, I did see a documentary exploring what really happened to them from PBS last year.

Wonder when one of my 25 films shows up?

The Adventure Starts Here!
I have seen movies I actively dislike two or three times, even theatrically. With movies I love it is truly countless. In the last couple days I rewatched both Broadcast News and His Girl Friday. While there is no way to know how many times I have watched them beginning to end it would have to be at least thirty or forty for each. At least.
Broadcast News is one of my perpetual rewatches. Another is The Big Chill. Either of those I can simply sit and watch repeatedly without a second thought. And I enjoy each one as much as the first time I saw it. I can't explain it, but I'm not really trying to explain it, either.

A system of cells interlinked
Not the same situation, but if I remember correctly, I saw Mulholland Drive 2 or 3 times back-to-back. And I'm talking Stop/Rewind/Play (those are VHS' for you, kids). I did the same with Memento.

There are also a bunch of films I've seen twice within the same week or couple of days, which in the case of mind-bending, complex films has only helped to appreciate them more (for example, Eraserhead, THX-1138, Persona, and The Lighthouse, to name a few).
Love the Persona callback in Mulholland Drive. I am sure you know the one I mean.

Yea, funny story. Someone had recommended Mulholland Drive to me at... I want to say I was at a friend's house playing M:TG or board games or something back then. This was on a Saturday night, so the next day, I went down to Blockbuster Video and rented the Mulholland Drive DVD. My GF at the time and I watched it, and I remember being fairly angry that i had wasted my time on the thing. GF just shrugged her shoulders and said "some scenes were kind of cool, but that didn't make any sense."

I was so pissed, I drove back to blockbuster just before they closed, handed the DVD to the guy, and said something along the lines of it being the worst **** I had ever seen etc. etc., to which the guy replied that i could grab another film free of charge if I wanted. I don't recall what I picked then, so it was clearly something forgettable.

A funny thing happened, though. The next day, all day, while I was at work, I just couldn't stop thinking about the film. Some tiny, crawling, Lynchian worm was in me brain. By the time I got out of work, I did what anyone who had watched a film the previous night and hated it would do - I went a bought a copy of the DVD. I managed 6 more viewings in the following week. I became rather obsessed with Mulholland Drive for quite a while after that, and still count it among my favorites, even if its hold over me has lessened over time, falling off my Top 10 a while back.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Blade Runner and American Beauty are my guesses for the next 2 movies
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