The MoFo Top 100 Animated Films - The Countdown

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Lord High Filmquisitor
Pinocchio is certainly great, but was an easy one to leave off for me because there are quite simply so many better films to choose from. It is, however, one of those childhood classics that I haven't seen in years and is due for a rewatch as a result.

I liked, but never especially loved, The Iron Giant, and I can't say exactly why. It was probably a shade too coming of age for me to especially like it when it was released and just always seemed pretty run-of-the-mill after that. It's good, but I never once considered it for my list.

Shrek is a fantastic blend of intelligent writing, fantastic animation and a memorable vocal cast perfectly suited for the roles that they were given. It also comes with a direct and scathing critique of Disney's celebrated climaxes, insisting that your physical appearance actually dowsn't matter and it's the implaccable, unshakable you on the inside that mattered all along. And even if it touches on more adult humor than mids should be exposed to, the fact that the more sexual jokes are subtle enough to go right over kids' heads gives it a free pass for me.

Fantasia is an absolute dream for me: high-end animation paired with classical music in meaningful, inventive and incredibly memorable ways. Its an animation landmark that actually holds up incredibly well decades after its release.

How to Train Your Dragon is the absolute best Dreamworks animated feature, which is saying something, given how much I love Megamind. The dragons are feature incredible designs and distinct personalities. The animation, writing and voice acting are all superb and features a real punch in the gut denouement that reinforces Dreamworks' "your appearance doesn't matter" message from throughout its film catalog.

I have never especially cared for My Neighbor Totoro although I can't deny its greatness. Even what I consider a lesser Miyazaki is superior to most other animated films. It treats its subject openly and doesn't pull any punches, treating the kids and adults watching it with equal respect. I probably would enjoy it a lot more if I had seen it when I was younger, instead of just a few years ago, but it's nothing that I'm either aurprised or upset about seeing on this list, let alone so high up on it.
Filmquisition: Raking Modern Entertainment Over the Coals Daily New Articles Contributed Every Friday
Arcanis' 100 Favorite Films: 2015 Edition

My Neighbor Totoro was my number 13! I thought I had it even higher, but apparently not.

Simply everything in this film worked for me. It's deeply touching, imaginative and beautiful. It plays like a happy childhood dream that offers some comfort in difficult times.

One of the best films ever made about the power of finding solace in the midst of confusing and discomforting times...
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Oh it's got to be The Incredibles

It's not a ''kids movie'' it is a movie about a simple life, about nature, about imagination that everyone can enjoy. Also, it's one of the most rewatchable movie there is because there is not really a story.
Not everyone and I'll most likely never watch it again.

Oh it's got to be The Incredibles
What has got to be?

Oh I forgot to say, I wonder how annoyed Daniel's getting that The Nightmare Before Christmas still hasn't shown up yet?

WARNING: "Guess What?" spoilers below
It's not going to show up tomorrow, either.

Odd question but did anyone vote for The Spongebob Squarepants Movie? I did and I'm kinda surprised it's not here, was totally expecting it to be the low-end ranks (90-100).
I was expecting that too! It was my 24 and my fourth favorite Spongebob Episode only surpassed by Idiot Box, Chocolate with Nuts and The Camping Episode!

Also did anyone vote for The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh? It was my 21.

I don't like Totoro. It's the only Ghibli film I have seen so far that I didn't like. Like what Miss. Vicky said, I didn't like the characters but I didn't find the creatures to be creepy like her. Plus the Catbus and Totoro were the main inspirations for Appa so I give the movie props for that!

Oh I forgot to say, I wonder how annoyed Daniel's getting that The Nightmare Before Christmas still hasn't shown up yet?
I'm annoyed that it hasn't showed up yet. That just means it's really high.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I absolutely love How To Train Your Dragon and it was on my list.

Despite really like the design of the nonhuman characters, I could barely get through My Neighbor Tortoro. The parts where I'm not mildly annoyed I am completely bored.

17. Fantastic Mr. Fox - Voting Stats

Total Points: 396
Part of a Numeric Tie? No.
25 Votes: 1st Place (25 pts.), Five 2nd Place (24 pts. each), 5th Place (21 pts.), 6th Place (20 pts.), Three 7th Place (19 pts. each), 9th Place (17 pts.), Two 10th Place (16 pts. each), 11th Place (15 pts.), 13th Place (13 pts.), Two 15th Place (11 pts. each), Two 16th Place (10 pts. each), 17th Place (9 pts.), 18th Place (8 pts.), 19th Place (7 pts.), Two 21st Place (5 pts. each)

A system of cells interlinked
*punches self in face*

I completely spaced out and forgot to include Mr. Fox on my list...arg!!!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I didn't care at all for this one.

I don't think I ever read the book when I was a kid, so I can't compare it to that, but I really didn't like the look the characters in this one or that Wes Anderson brand of quirk.

Seds - Your vote wouldn't have put Mr. Fox any higher on the list.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Kind of bummed, I was hoping for top 5 for Mr. Fox. It was my #1. What can I say, Anderson writes great dialogue and draws amazing characters. Then he drops them in unique worlds that feel original and lived in. Either you get it or you don't. HK don't and his film life must be torture because of it.

Very nearly made my list.

I saw it about 2 days before deadline. Never liked the book, hated it... we did it as a project at school and it became like Shakespeare in that all the kids in class hated it too.

The film is much better. I'd have put it around 26th-27th if we could pick 30.

There are six reviews of Fantastic Mr. Fox in the Reviews area, with an average rating of 4.16. Here's mine, in case anyone's interested. Quick excerpt:

Aesthetically, the film is full of unusual, effective choices. Anderson correctly calculates that stop-go animation will stand out like a sore thumb alongside the flurry of computer generated family films, and embraces the difference by shooting at 12 frames per second rather than the usual 24. The result gives each movement a sudden and exaggerated feel that dovetails perfectly with the film's half-reality.
I'm slightly surprised to see Fantastic Mr. Fox this low. I definitely thought it was one of the harder films to peg, position-wise, though. As low as 20 and as high as 7 or 8, I thought, ultimately dragged down only by/if the fact that it might not be quite as widely seen, and because a few people just flat-out wouldn't dig on Anderson's style (I do, for what it's worth). This is a reasonable place for it, though, and very near to my own placement (#18). At this point virtually every film could make an argument for being higher, but gets crowded out by the glut of quality near the top.

Wasn't a huge fan of Fantastic Mr. Fox the first time I watched it, but as I became more and more familiar with Wes Anderson's work I sort of knew more about these worlds he created and the style present in his film.

So after a rewatch I can happily say that Fantastic Mr. Fox landed solid on #5 on my list. Animation and Anderson is a perfect combination, especially when it's stop-motion, and everything just works in this film. I even read the book and I loved it as well even when reading it for the first time just recently.

I did hope it would break the top 10 though. But I can accept top 20.