What are the worst movies you've seen at the cinema?


I say cinema, because it doesn't feel so bad when you only spend a few dollars and hire a complete turkey. It's a thousand times worse when you spend $10 plus of your own hard earned money (it can be up to $20 if you add a drink and popcorn), and you realize you've just wasted your time and money. Again at least if your a bad movie out you can at least stop the movie and do something else straight away. At the cinema it's not so easy. You have to leave the cinema then drive home, so plenty of time all up has been wasted, when you include getting there watching say, half the movie, and then getting back home, that's good couple of hours totally wasted.

Anyways i was curious as to what turkeys you have seen at the cinema either recently or in the past. To qualify you had to ahve brought the ticket yourself, eg. not a free movie ticket, or a friend buying you a ticket.

For me there are two movies that have scarred me for life. Two movies that i swear were made by the Devil himself, for only he could inspire such awful movie making.
They are Scary Movie 5 and Movie 43. They have to be two of the worst movies in the history of mankind. I can only imagine how many other pour souls have had to watch these pieces of garbage.

First, Scary Movie 5. I don't even know what possessed me to go see this pile of crap. Maybe i was on drugs, but more likely i was bored and wanted to watch a movie. Watching the first scene with Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan, i knew i was in for a hellish ride, but NOTHING could have prepared me for how crap this movie was going to be. I kid you not, two times i walked out of the cinema, only to come back thinking i should at least watch the whole thing to get my money worth. But it was too much torture to sit through, i just couldnt do it, the third time, i left for good. I can't even describe how sh** this movie was. I couldn't tell what the story was because there was none. It was just a parady, and i use the term losely, of movies, mainly Paranormal Activity. The losers behind these types of movies should really be hung for thier crimes.

And then the Citizen Cane of crap movies, this is the be all and end all of what a crap movie should be. It deserves a spot in the Hall of Fame of Crap Films, it is Movie 43. I thought it would be a fun movie with lots of A grade actors in such as Hugh Jackman and Kate Winslet along with an all star cast, but boy was i wrong. Seeing this movie is the equivalent of going to the doctors for a check up but find out you have an incurable disease. Amazingly, i watched this whole movie! I must have been on some bad drugs to sit through the whole thing. If a group of movie makers were asked to intentionally make the worst movie ever, it would be impossible for them to make worse than this. The makers were no doubt being guided by the Devil when they made this turd.

The scene with Jackman and Winslet will have to go down as one of the worst movie scenes of all time. Jackman having a scrotum on his neck?!? WTF?? That makes NO sense whatsover! Nothing in this movie made any sense. Any person who likes this movie must have an IQ of 10, for they are seriously brain dead to like this movie, a monkey would be smarter than anyone that liked this crap. Heck, a monkey could write a better script then the idiots that made this.

But there was another movie i saw but a long time ago, that was diabolically bad. That was Batman and Robin movie. You know, the one where he has a Bat Card, and Clooney is wearing a suit with nipples, WTF? And Shwarzenegger says all those stupid one liners.
This is very close to being one of the worst movies ever made but the two movies above were much crappier.

If there was an Academy Awards for worst movies made these three would win hands down, i swear.

So what do others think about the three movies mentioned. Do you agree theyre three of the worst movies ever made? Did you have the misfortune of having paid to see these piles of manure?

What are some other movies you have seen that would rank as the worst ever? Please share.

I watch movies at the theatres only after I hear good reviews from my friends/relatives.I don't give too much importance to the reviews of critics.Their views on movie are mostly for movie purists who give too much importance to technical stuff.I am just a casual guy who wants to be entertained.

In the last four years,I was slightly disappointed with The Dark Knight Rises and The Wolverine.Not that they were bad but they weren't upto my expectations.

Transformers 3, me and my brother were asked to be quite several times, we were laughing so much. I don't really watch many comedies at the cinema, but if I did, I probably wouldn't laugh as much as I did that day. During the wingsuit scene, I was laughing so hard I spat a mouth of coke on the seat in front, luckily no one was sitting there.

I have to confess that I have not seen a movie in an actual movie theater since 2007, but back in high school, I have to remember actually walking out of a 1976 movie called NICKELODEON.

Lord High Filmquisitor
FearDotCom. We went as a family movie (my dad perplexingly deciding on the movie). Within the first five minutes my mom decides to go wait in the car. Within the next five minutes, my sister joined her. Now, nether my dad nor I were enjoying the movie at all, but we were both stubborn, and knew that the other would follow out the first of us to leave. We ended up sitting through that entire, awful movie, with the rest of the family waiting in the car, out of sheer spite.

Equally bad (I rated both a 1.5/10) was Spider-Man 3. Halfway through the movie, during Peter's infamous dance scene, I turn to the friend I was with and said "I thought that we paid to see Spider-Man 3, not Saturday Night Fever."

Close runner ups include Happy Feet, The Island and Pearl Harbor (all 2/10). I have been fortunate enough to avoid any movies that I truly hate in recent years, however.
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A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
Probably Battle: Los Angeles. It could work as a generic scifi/alien invasion movie if it wasn't for the constant shaky cam and hyperfast editing. I don't like shaky cam at the best of times (Gladiator is about the only movie that uses it well in my opinion) but B:LA uses for roughly 95% of the movie. Aaron Eckhart is the only good part of the film.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

Pluto Nash or maybe Eight Crazy Nights.

Though I can't get too upset over either of them. We used to have a theater here called Galaxy 8, which began to really struggle when Brendan Theaters moved into town. In an attempt to compete, they showed late run movies for $4.00 most nights, but on Tuesdays it was two for one tickets. My friends and I would show up there every Tuesday and just watch whatever was playing at the time we showed up. So I only wasted $2.00 plus whatever I spent on food.

the worst movie i've ever seen in the theater is...

*drum roll*


Year One (2009)

it was, quite simply, an atrocious movie. why i went to see it, i will never know

if they had paid me to watch it AND given me free popcorn, it still would've been a total waste of time

A system of cells interlinked
Star Wars - The Phantom Menace

[Thread title edited for clarity, as well]
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I don't watch bad films at the cinema.
I don't watch bad films at all.
I don't watch films at the cinema at all.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

walked out of "were the millers" anniston made me wanna puke up my organs

and that kid singing....

do the fade awa-y

shoot me in the face

the worst movie i've ever seen in the theater is...

*drum roll*


Year One (2009)

it was, quite simply, an atrocious movie. why i went to see it, i will never know

if they had paid me to watch it AND given me free popcorn, it still would've been a total waste of time
You must have forgotten your weed at home.

Worst I've ever seen at the cinema...

Alien Vs Predator comes to mind, it's palatable but still utter crap... but Emmerich's CGI laden poo-fest 2012 has to take the honours. Cack film.

I've been lucky I reckon. Been to the cinema a number of times and have yet to end up with back catalogue of mistakes. Just those two.

I did walk out of The Thin Red Line though, even though I've come to like it, and think it's a top piece of filmmaking. Thing is, I was too young when I saw it at the cinema and wasn't much of a Cinephile at the time. So that one doesn't count.

Robin Hood: Men in Tights
If that's the worst movie you've seen in theaters than you must see nothing but good movies. I quite like Men in Tights.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I had the misfortune of seeing Sex Lives of the Potato Men at the cinema. So bad it put me off my popcorn, so that was wasted money too. Stubbornly watched to the end but it only got worse.

The Break-Up, Burke and Hare were pretty bad cinema-going experiences too. Oh, and Revenge of the Sith.

My God, TN. That's a lot of money I could've saved you.

I think it's Congo, for me. Though it was my sister's choice, so I absolve myself of that one.
5-time MoFo Award winner.