Avengers: Endgame


Well I think Tony other the Fury is likely only person to really dwell on what could come next from above. Thor didnt notice till it was right in his face or effected him and Cap only cared about saving Bucky which I still think Cap was selfish about.

I gotta say, the marketing for this film has been absolutely incredible.

Also, new poster.
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We've gone on holiday by mistake
Still, no HULK, getting a little worried here..
Wonder if Black Widow getting hurt/in danger could be a catalyst for Hulk to return, they have this weird non romance going on.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Useful reminder of who's not dust.

A system of cells interlinked
RIP Witch

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Wonder if Black Widow getting hurt/in danger could be a catalyst for Hulk to return, they have this weird non romance going on.
Yes, fingers crossed for a catalyst..

This might just do nobody any good.
All that mystery about Scott down the drain...
Would you say that it’s... vanished?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
So, what footage in this trailer is purposely misleading us now?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

So, what footage in this trailer is purposely misleading us now?

Well I think the issue is are we seeing the first half hour of the film or are we missing the last half hour

To me this is more of a "teaser" than anything else. What's the big takeaway? Alternate road jerseys?

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I think there's virtually no chance of this being as good as Infinity War, part of that films strength was the newer characters getting what seemed like more screentime and the older crew on the back burner a little. Endgame is going to be a last hurrah for several, I reckon Iron Man, Widow and Cap are going down + Col Rhodes maybe. Think they keep Thor around cause he's basically Superman. I don't think we're seeing much at all of the characters that died until the end when things will be put right again with some Quantum realm, time trace Dues Ex plot device. Standing by Hulk going berserk when Widow dies and defeating Thanos prediction.

I was majorly wrong about Infinity War though so hopefully they come up with a solid conclusion to what's been a well tied in great(mostly) series of movies.

... Standing by Hulk going berserk when Widow dies and defeating Thanos prediction.


This would be something I buy. My interpretation from what I've read and been told by comic fans in the know, Hulk's power is basically limitless. He gets mad, gets stronger, gets mad, gets stronger. Granted he hasn't been portrayed like this in the MCU, but it is too strong a part of the mythos to remove while watching a movie. The lack of him "leveling-up" makes the character seem broken.

It seems too avant garde but... (Not seeing CM yet.) CM is toe-to-toe with Thanos, holding her own. Then Thanos starts working her over, everyone is shocked, she was the the last hope. Cue Hulk, dealing with all the "confidence" issues he had, going full Goku, literally disintegrates Thanos from brute force.

All this Hulk being in his own head doesn't really serve the story if he doesn't get a redemption.

Welcome to the human race...
Gotta say I like the idea of it being Nebula. She's had to put up with Thanos for a lifetime.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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