The Shoutbox
Yes, this page refreshes itself -- just like the Who's Online? page. It's more like a real-time chat that way. You can walk away, come back, and it's all updated for you.
WTF! My page just refreshed itself! Spud should use the birthday thing to say, you're coming to mass this Sunday aren't you Sunfrogolin?
Mr. Woods is building a website for a church, I believe.
What r u making Spud?
Well, I'm off...have to find a good script to run a menu in...So far, nothing...
Yeah...sorry...I hadn't thought about it because for so long it didn't work, and I had gotten used to this so...
Eh? You mean me adding titles for you? I just realized that we kind of need to have them. So now I've added a JS check that doesn't let the user submit the form until both fields are filled. Try it out. Mwahahaha. Geeking at its best.
That was weird...
What's up with the comments thing....OH...I just figured it out...