The Shoutbox
There should be a comma after, "oh," but I refuse to delete it on principle.
Oh i see how it is.
Stream all of season 1 of Picard on CBS All-Access for free:
Changle ducks. Talk to the wall.
Francis Duncan Dubois Sinclere Charlie Esther Myrtle the twelfth.
I've been cutting my own hair for 5 years now. Yay me! *claps repeatedly*
Playing guitar now, as well?
Considering getting one of these.
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
Originally Posted by doubledenim
If we can learn something from this crisis, let it be this.

Why are we not using bidets?

I have a feeling machismo is partially to blame.
Dude... We don't even know how to use the 3 seashells. Wtf is a bidet?
Originally Posted by doubledenim
If we can learn something from this crisis, let it be this.

Why are we not using bidets?

I have a feeling machismo is partially to blame.
Dude... We don't even know how to use the 3 seashells. Wtf is a bidet?
I wonder how desert people are suppose to work around keeping there distance when most live in tents and travel here and there across vast deserts.