The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by John McClane
I’m going to see it today. If everything looks good I am most likely going to make an offer. It’s on my high end, but I am in love with the location of it.
good luck, i hope i never see it as advantageous to get a house, buying cars is crappy enough
I’m going to see it today. If everything looks good I am most likely going to make an offer. It’s on my high end, but I am in love with the location of it.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Today is the day. Feeling sick to my stomach. I hope this house is the one.
Did you make an offer or are you going to see it today?
Hope all goes well. Buying a house is one of the most stressful things I've gone through.
Today is the day. Feeling sick to my stomach. I hope this house is the one.
get right out of here with that. spam us all in PMs weekly, like all good hosts should! daily, if you're feeling frisky. i can't be liable for what you might get back tho. what happens in PMs stays in PMs.
I know I don't shout here often, but when I do shout it's to remind you all that you should vote on the upcoming countdown, Top 100 of the 2000s! Think about it
Well. At least the sorta home team won.