The Shoutbox
What are you going to do when Spud is gone Yoda? ::sniff:: what will you do without him?
That's why I'm joining the Navy...
Work for the government.
Find a job that requires a small amount of work but pays in generous amounts of money.
How can I get paid for doing nothing?
So-so. I've been heavily distracted over the last day or so. Hopefully I'll kick it into gear soon.
How's work coming along Chris?
My old job consisted of standing around and watching movies so I keep managing to find jobs in which I don't have to do much of anything.
OMG! You're getting paid to do it as well! Sounds like the ideal job.
so just sit about and browse the net

I can't think of anything that could possibly be better!
This is going to be a boring day...ZERO classes and they failed to mention it to me yesterday. UGH