The Shoutbox
In town!
LOL she's met my husband and she's older than me so I dont think she was calling me an old spinster. Has to be something more exciting than that, surely. Or maybe I now have to get cantankerous and cyber rip her throat out.

where are you, cat?
Pics or it never happened! I also hope it involved METAL.
GUYS? I had a wild night. OMFG. I haven't been home yet, and won't be home until tonight.
A biddy can also be an old fusspot or cantankerous woman if that helps make you feel any better Dani

Most usually an old spinster though
Today on "remarkable spam", one with a "last edited" line that said "Reason: was problem".

You don't say.
Originally Posted by Tacitus
Originally Posted by Dani8
...biddy for forgetting paddys day. What's a biddy in irish?
A biddy is *cough* an old spinster.

Hey, I'm just the messenger!
haha! I didn't know it was a spinster, I thought it was just an old lady. Or maybe that's what it is in Scouse Irish
Originally Posted by Dani8
...biddy for forgetting paddys day. What's a biddy in irish?
A biddy is *cough* an old spinster.

Hey, I'm just the messenger!
Originally Posted by Dani8
You can hve it. How was st paddys day? I only just found out paddy wasnt irish. What is this sorcery...
St George wasn't English either.
Originally Posted by John McClane
If your cat was wearing a hat and destroying your house...then it would be funny.
I wouldn't be surprised to wake up one day and find the cat sat in the crapper and reading a newspaper.