The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe
I'm more a Cocteau Twins fan, but that wasn't bad...!
Love the Cocteau Twins! She doesn't even use WORDS for pete sake!!

Sounds so great. Blue Bell Knoll used to always show up on my playlist, and was always out of place in the most endearing way haha
First movies of the year probably in one weekend. Stan and Ollie and Polar. I think there's a few ardent Mads fans stompin' around here.
Stolen from the internet...

"When making pizza at home (CR ) , save money and buy your toppings at a salad bar."

That's utter brilliance!
I'm more a Cocteau Twins fan, but that wasn't bad...!
A good starting point is here

and for scope,

and they parked right about here

with a lot of arcing in between. They were all over the place.

Adam and Eve may be their Dark Side of the Moon.
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe
I kinda love it when a band starts as one thing and ends up another (as long as it doesn't give in to the pop machine).
Yeah, me, too. I think a good part of the reason CW progressed is because the singer/guitarist is a big RUSH fan (even though you can't hear any obvious influence in their grinding, twin axe music). Rush may be a little on the "particular" side as far as taste goes, but they also helped write the book on how to shape shift well into a career, and keep going , right up until the end. Catherine Wheel certainly aspired to that, with next to no real success, sadly.
I kinda love it when a band starts as one thing and ends up another (as long as it doesn't give in to the pop machine).
A band I think had tonality issues, but were superb in many departments, were Catherine Wheel. They started out shoegaze, and then ditched that for more aggressive thrash mixed with folk/sad-pop. Rob's lyrics got more strange and icky, and I think that is when the train went off the tracks, personally. Put most any band on stage with them, or having to follow them, and you'd have to scratch your head. They were in a class all their own. Master craftsmen, but maybe a bit mismanaged in retrospect.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk

One of my most treasured vinyl possessions (How Soon Is Now? and Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want are on the b-side).
gorgeous item, wow!
Originally Posted by John McClane
Wait, so he didn't like you speaking in English?

Yeah, first he yell-asked if I was American. THEN he said he could hear from my accent that I'm from Yorkshire.

I've spent the grand total of a weekend in Manchester. That's the extent of my "Britishness".

There's extra irony in how this waste of human skin behaved....
Originally Posted by Sedai
Doesn't everyone in Sweden speak like 4-5 languages?
Ironically, this was a Somali immigrant, assuming I was British and giving me shit for Brexit.

This is my corner pub. The bar staff know me. BIG mistake getting me aggro enough to drop F bombs and need to be held back.

This ******* "apologised" to me by saying "we're a nice country. We don't need your Brexit shit here".

I saw red, started shaking and all I wanted was to beat this man to a bloody pulp.

He got booted from the pub. The bar staff saw everything. I was in the right, even if too hot under the collar.