[quote=FilmBuff][IMG] https://media.tenor.com/08Mv-aAbl4cAAAAC/vamos-por-tacos.gif[/IMG][/quote]
[quote=John McClane]all i’m saying is be original. eat em on a wednesday![/quote]
[quote=John McClane]if you eat tacos on tuesday you’re a lame.[/quote]
[quote=FilmBuff][quote=Sedai]A mi me encanta todos los tacos.[/quote] so you're a true taconnoisseur? :p[/quote]
[quote=Sedai]A mi me encanta todos los tacos.[/quote]
[quote=FilmBuff]Son mejor los tacos al pastor :p[/quote]
[quote=Sedai]Si, yo necesitas tacos con carne asadas y carnitas.[/quote]
[quote=FilmBuff]If there were no Tuesdays, there could also not be Taco Tuesdays, therefore, Tuesdays are awesome.[/quote]