The Shoutbox
Keep it quiet but the word on the street is "pavement".
Let's just hope they aren't comparing notes on why I should be fired. :sweatsmile:
Nothing makes you feel like a part of the team than being the only person NOT going to a meeting.
Good morning, everyone!
Yeah, I think that might kinda ruin it. Even the LIEMAX, even from near the back, is kind of jarringly huge and loud the first few times.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Originally Posted by Iroquois
People still watch stuff in IMAX?
I have a lot of respect for your writing and and analyzation skills.

...but you way-cray
Whatever, in my experience it doesn't make a significant difference (if any). Probably doesn't help that the most recent times I ended up in an IMAX theatre were ones where I was down the front, though.
Good to hear that Aaron Rodgers has something to talk about with Ed Sheeran at dinner pparties now.
Sweet. ESPN is spoiling GoT on Sportscenter.

Guess it was today.
Miracle of miracles - the bag she checked through via Madrd actually turned up at Jo'burg on her flight from Heathrow
YAAAASSSSSSSSS (as cat would say) she's on the plane
OMG - looks like the wife might actually get on a plane to Sud Africa this time

(bet she falls asleep in the next half hour and misses it now lol)