The Shoutbox
Cheers to Jack Nicholson on his birthday!

Bewm bewm bewm!
Blowy uppy missile thingies!
Pyow pyow pyow!
Laser beamie, shiny thingies!
Well, business plan is now out of my hands. Judging wraps up on April 28th. 🤞🏻
But I am also the one who played their parent’s 45s repeatedly as a kid. 2-3 minutes of ear deliciousness. Get up flip record. 2-3 minutes of deliciousness. Repeat ad nauseam.
And my favorite 50s album from Buddy Holly doesn’t have a single song over 2.5 minutes.
Originally Posted by Sedai
3 min is short! Then again I listen to bands that cut 8-12 minute tracks on the regular.
It ain’t short when you trying to compose the **** and think of stuff to say: 3 minutes is like an eternity.

A lot of pop/rap songs have fallen under 3 minutes. But like, most of the stuff in my own music library is 1.5-2 minutes long. I love me some 50s blues and folk songs.