The deadline for the Top Musicals list is coming up! Submit your ballot now, or read about it here
The Shoutbox
WHA?? mustache??? I shaved this morning thank you very much...

My glasses are for reading, but since I'm always reading something I figured...might as well wear them all the time...I just got them past July...July 27th to be them that morning..went and saw POTA that night...
Ahhh! Bad teenage mustache. I get that, too, sometimes...but I try to shave it off quickly. You can get away with a bad teenage goatee/beard/whatever, though. Or at least, I'd like to think I can.

Nice glasses. Only need to wear them for specific things?
Where's everyone at??? I feel sooooo alone...sooooo sooooo alone....
Go check out that picture thread.
Simplicity is your best friend...
Damn straight. I think I'm gonna tweak things at some point to allow people to do a rushed registration of sorts...without all those little options. They can edit those after they've registered...I should have it asking for the essentials only, really, up front.
Any guest that reads this...REGISTER...Trust'll like it..
Hello!? I see you...I know you're there...
Tough crowd...
I love the onion pedals...Yummm...i'm eating them right now...
I've got a few hundred myself, but I really don't want to deplete my reserve much. Need to finish this project...that'll land me a lot more to go on for awhile.

Arby's...oh man, don't get me going. I love those fries.